In a World of Finger-Pointing and Self-Victimization, How Can Crystals Help?

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” —Rumi


Come on, share it with me! Be honest with yourself. Let’s face it! How many times have you pointed fingers at others? Self-victimized and blamed others for your problems? How often do you blame your partner; your mother or father, stepmother or stepfather, or whoever raised you; your mother-in-law or father-in-law; a...

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Transcending Our Blind Spots through Crystal Energy Vibration

“Unless you learn to face your own shadows, you will continue to see them in others, because the world outside you is only a reflection of the world inside you.” — Unknown


From our last blogs, we can infer that resonance, originated inside our energy fields, creates our reality. Thoughts in the electromagnetic field of our minds, learned from others, along with learned emotions in the electromagnetic field of the heart can foster positive or negative patterns...

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The Science Behind the Art of Living in the Crystalline Heart

Past blogs have explained that our energy field originates from the electromagnetic fields created by the cells of our body, including neurons or brain cells. A discussion of the body’s electromagnetic fields would be incomplete without mentioning one of the most important ones—that of the heart.


Rollin McCraty, PhD scientist and director of research at HeartMath Institute, explains in The Energetic Heart that the heart generates the largest electromagnetic field in the...

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Quantum Physics, Chakras, and Crystals

In previous blogs, we’ve discussed that our true nature is energy. When we talk about energy in the holistic world and refer to healing, it’s impossible not to talk about chakras.

Most of us were introduced to our chakras through yoga practices, the new age movement, or alternative approaches like spirituality and holistic medicine. The chakra system, introduced to the West by the Hindus, gave us the first approach to our understanding of the energetic body.

For many centuries, the...

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Crystals in the Energy World

In previous blogs, we talked about how crystals work in our body and mind and in ancient sites. But what makes these earthly transparent objects such essential pieces in our living and evolving mechanisms and in healing?


Having had the direct experience of working for more than twenty years with crystals, personally and in my one-on-one practice—having experienced and witnessed the aftereffects they’ve had on me and on my clients—I can tell you that crystals are...

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The Crystalline Mind

Today’s society promotes the cultivation of intellect and logic associated with the brain.


Through this exposure, we’ve learned that our brains are involved in perception and learning and that this three-pound organ of nerve tissue is the control center of our body. From this perspective, mind emerges from interactions in the physical brain—neuronal assemblies and molecular communication networks in cells—and we’ve assumed cognition arises from these...

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Our Crystalline Body and Crystals

We follow routines. We follow learned beliefs. We follow learned paradigms.


Aware or not, we accept (simply by being part of humanity at a certain period of time) certain paradigms or predetermined models—including how to keep our bodies healthy and free of disease. Today’s medical paradigm mainly supports specific drugs for specific diseases and removal of affected organs or surgical correction through invasive and noninvasive procedures.


But if, as I’ve...

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Our Lack of Transparency: A Scientific Explanation and Why Crystals Can Help

“The fate and behavior of an organism is directly linked to its perception of the environment.”

—Bruce Lipton, The Biology of Belief


In The Biology of Belief, stem cell biologist and PhD Bruce Lipton explains that our perception (not our genes) controls our biology. Epigenetics reveals that our genes are constantly modified by life experiences—and our perceptions are really what shape our biology.


How can intangible and ethereal perception—our...

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Transparency in Action: Electromagnetic Waves and Crystals

“From the relics of the Stone-Age science practiced by the adepts of the ancient world, it appears: first that they recognized the existence of natural forces … and learnt to manipulate them.”

—John Mitchell, The New View Over Atlantis


Ancient peoples searched for unique places where electromagnetic energy could be harnessed to support our transparency—a feature innate to all of us that we’ve forgotten because of learned beliefs. “To...

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Astrology: A Great Compliment for Crystal Healing

Besides taking into consideration stone composition, electromagnetic energy, patterns, and symbols, ancients also considered astronomy in their ancient sites’ building plans. Many buildings were constructed in relation to the stars, the zodiac, and constellations.


Gazing at stars, the ancients became aware that we are a tiny part of a much larger reality. By studying the skies and integrating that knowledge into their buildings, they were able to resonate and reconnect with what...

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