We Are Living Crystals

In a world where we have learned to identify ourselves with everything that surrounds us, it isnt surprising that we identify ourselves mostly with our physical body. However, our bodies are way more than mere bones, muscles, skin, and everything that is visible to our eyes.   

We are made up of 7 octillions of atoms - at a subatomic level, we are energy. If we are mostly energy, then we might ask ourselves, what conducts this energy inside our bodies? 

To understand how...

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My Approach to Crystal Healing and Your Best Life!

I’m so grateful for all your calls and that so many of you are open to receiving crystal healing, changing your inner resonance, and making this world a better world. Thank you! 

Real change comes from the inside out, from changing our thoughts, perceptions, and attitudes. Real change comes from transforming our energy—the basic transparent foundation that pervades all existence and each and every one of us, as well as our well-being, our health, our emotions, our...

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Crystals in the Energy World

In previous blogs, we talked about how crystals work in our body and mind and in ancient sites. But what makes these earthly transparent objects such essential pieces in our living and evolving mechanisms and in healing?


Having had the direct experience of working for more than twenty years with crystals, personally and in my one-on-one practice—having experienced and witnessed the aftereffects they’ve had on me and on my clients—I can tell you that crystals are...

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Do you know what you are resonating with now?

Start identifying your resonance with our FREE Starters Meditation.