Un-limiting Yourself to Resonate with Infinity

In the boundaryless energy world; energy fields intermingle. The energy field devoid of information is patterned by our genetic codes and the information received while we are inside the womb. 

Our default was un-limitedness, previous to entering into our little bodies inside the uterus.  

When we are born, we no longer resonate 100 percent with our original information. Though there is still a tiny percentage that continues to maintain that infinite connection. 


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Food Choices & Resonance

Like thoughts and beliefs, the sense of taste is also hardwired into our brain. Taste is not in our tongue’s taste buds but, in our brain’s, temporal cortex, contrary to popular belief. The temporal cortex is the part of the brain that recognizes flavors, specifically the amygdala and limbic system. 

Pleasant and unpleasant flavors depend on the amygdala. On the other hand, the limbic system reminds of flavors based on our previous experiences. 

We don't taste food; we...

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The Formula to Resonate with Neutrality

According to Quantum Mechanics, energy can be both a wave and a particle. Believe it or not, it all depends on whether its being observed or not. Through resonance, the act of observation can collapse a wave of energy into a particle of matter.  

This is a big piece of information in understanding the puzzle of how our reality is created. If everything we see as matter is 99.9999999% energy, that means that every nano second we are creating or materializing...

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The Interconnectedness of Resonance

You are more interconnected than you are aware of.

The information inside your mind-cloud results from your interconnection and resonance with the information inside the mind-cloud of others. The interconnection and resonance between your body and your mind result in your emotions, which are also closely related to your health. In fact, stress triggers cortisol, the hormone in charge of suppressing your immune system. Excess of stress prevents the body of fighting infections and other...

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Switching Our Mindset from Mistake to Resonance Expansion

In the Universe everything is in constant flow. It’s a never-ending chain of actions and reactions. Energy is constantly moving without limitations and resonating with infinity. If we were able to keep this constant flow in our lives, they would be perfect.  

Unfortunately, when we resonate with limited information, our energy stops flowing and with it our connection to infinity. This limited information can take the shape of beliefs, education, limiting experiences or...

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Neutralizing Our Spaces to Resonate with Balance

In the invisible world of energy, we are all immersed in our own energy fields and also interconnected to other’s energy and the energy of our surroundings, including the spaces we frequent and live in.  

We are literally bonded to the energy of our surroundings. No wonder some spaces can connect us with unwanted emotions such as sadness and fear.  

The ancients compared our surrounding spaces to living altars, in which each, and every object creates a specific vibration and...

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Transcending Your Programs to Create a New Reality

Since the moment of conception we begin a long journey of programming. In fact, we are the result of millions of years of programming and evolution through our genetic codes. DNA is a biological program and code that is closely related with our morphic resonance [see The Crystal Blueprint for more] and carries information from generation to generation.

It is therefore safe to state that the beginning of our lives as biological creatures, is the result of a program.  

Fast forwarding to...

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Winning the War through Energy Resonance

Today we are facing discouraging times. It seems as if chaos —imbalance— has taken over the world’s balance. It’s very disheartening to sit and watch atrocity —dissonance— consuming millions of fellow humans. 

Through time and history, we have integrated the information handed over to us by previous generations in our mind clouds. Amidst this information, separation masquerades in the shapes of race, religion, social class, nationality, etc. We have...

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How to Stop Passing Your Limiting Resonance to Your Descendants

Everything is energy in a world made of energy, including our painful experiences. 

That breakup, that feeling of unhappiness, injustice, that distressing situation that takes away your sleep did not originate in an external circumstance or experience as you have learned to believe. It arises from resonance — information inside your quantum field, you have embedded during your childhood. First, throughout the continuous exposure to the information in the shape of experiences...

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Crystalline Resonance: Materializing a Better World

Tam Hunt and Jonathan Schooler of the University of California, Santa Barbara suggest that resonance, another word for synchronized vibrations, could be at the heart of our physical reality and is the primary mechanism of all physical interactions.   

According to them, all things in our Universe, even if they appear stationary, are vibrating, oscillating, and resonating at various frequencies. And that what we identify as matter are just different energy fields vibrating. 


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