Spreading The Best Resonance Through What We Eat

Albert Einstein once said that "Everything in life is vibration." And he was right, from an energy standpoint, what we all perceive or interpret as different forms of matter are various energy fields of information — codified data in energy. Like data encoded in our electronic devices' clouds, information is encoded in our energy fields. These are called quantum fields, and they encode all the information for everything. 

As quantum fields are energy with no boundaries, they...

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Crystalline Resonance: Materializing a Better World

Tam Hunt and Jonathan Schooler of the University of California, Santa Barbara suggest that resonance, another word for synchronized vibrations, could be at the heart of our physical reality and is the primary mechanism of all physical interactions.   

According to them, all things in our Universe, even if they appear stationary, are vibrating, oscillating, and resonating at various frequencies. And that what we identify as matter are just different energy fields vibrating. 


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How to Decode Information to Resonate with a Better World

We have been educated to only perceive our surrounding world from the matter point of view and therefore believe that we create our reality from matter. However, nothing can be further from the truth. 

Reality is created from energy —from energy encoded with information inside our mind cloud and the resonance of how we have learned to perceive our reality. If we resonate with matter, we cannot resonate nor perceive energy. Energy is the blueprint of the universe. We are energy...

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Opening Up to Freedom and Infinite Resonance in 2022

The first known reference to freedom appears in Sumer in 2112 BC as Ama-gi that literally meant “return to mother.” In other words, restoring our inborn information, releasing everything except who we innately are. 

Interestingly we find many definitions of freedom that appoint a condition where you can be independent without constrain. Some even relate it to a state of mind with unblocked autonomy to emancipate. 

If that is so, what stops us from living in freedom?...

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Dream Resonance: The Power House to Resonate with a Better World

Many indigenous cultures share the common knowledge that our reality is created or "woven" through each of our dreams. The elders say that to create and live in a better world, it's necessary to begin dreaming (or resonating) with a better world. But how do our dreams and the dreams we have every night help us create a better world? What are dreams? And what are dreams made of? 

I genuinely believe that every single piece of the reality we live in is created through energy resonance....

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Can Quartz Crystals Protect Us from Negative Energy?

We are infinite energy beings, and our energy fields are interconnected. Additionally, we attract what we resonate with. However, the origin of our energy and resonance is inside our own selves. Deep within our heart, mind, and body clouds lie the answers to the energy and frequencies that permeate our lives. If negative energy has knocked today at your door, it's not precisely because someone else is sending you bad vibes; it's because you already are resonating with these negative vibes...

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Replacing Automatic Thinking with Choice and Resonance

Unbiased thinking is the art of seeking neutral resonance. This is done by closely examining reasoning, assumptions, and tracing out implications. Seeking the true origin of what is said was an established practice in Ancient Greece.

Socrates developed a method of questioning to achieve clarity 2,500 years ago and his practice, the Socratic Method was followed by Plato, Aristotle and other historical figures. The Socratic Method is still relevant today as a comprehensive approach to knowledge...

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Transparency: Opening Up to Resonate with a Better World

Seven octillion atoms make up our body, each 99.9999999% energy. Although we are not able to see it with our naked eyes, we are limitless energy beings.

So why are we not resonating with our endless transparent energy nature? What are we resonating with instead? What is that which is limiting our unlimited wellbeing? What is patterning our limitless energy confining us instead of setting us free to resonate with who we really are? What is constraining our energy resonance to live our best...

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Re-evaluating Our Education System for Our Children to Resonate with the Best of Themselves

Although we are born with different abilities, interests, and unique personalities, society favors standardization and uniformity through the educational system rather than developing our authentic nature. 

The authentic part inside of us is threatened since we come into the world. First, through the information we receive from our childhood environment, call it dad or mom, or someone else. And then through the one-size-fits-all academic ecosystem.  


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Can Quartz Crystals Balance Our Frequencies, as in Our Modern Devices?

When we bring our focus and awareness to what we are thinking, we can choose to only receive what helps us build up frequencies that facilitate the flow of energy and higher frequencies. All of this can open up our resonance to vibrate with the best version of ourselves and the world.  

This can be compared to when our bodies resonate with health when we provide them with wholesome nutritious foods, exercise, and mindfulness practices. These small changes move us toward improving our...

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