Opening Up to Freedom and Infinite Resonance in 2022

Dec 26, 2021

The first known reference to freedom appears in Sumer in 2112 BC as Ama-gi that literally meant “return to mother.” In other words, restoring our inborn information, releasing everything except who we innately are. 

Interestingly we find many definitions of freedom that appoint a condition where you can be independent without constrain. Some even relate it to a state of mind with unblocked autonomy to emancipate. 

If that is so, what stops us from living in freedom?   

I know there are many outer circumstances we could blame for lacking freedom. And we are continuously exposed to countless sources of information affecting our daily lives. However, we are not free because we consistently have learned to identify, respond, and resonate from something different than our true nature, where true freedom originates. 

I bet many still recall those moments when they felt the freest, most fulfilled, and flowing with their maximum potential as authentic. But most probably are repeating unconsciously what true freedom meant for someone else. We have actually forgotten what real freedom is for us. 

The closest experience we ever had to freedom was when we were children. In those first years, when our mind cloud was pristine and undomesticated. That is why children don’t have prejudices or boundaries, and they are not afraid to love unconditionally. When you are able to see and act with the world for the first time, without any conditioning or filters, the tendency is to enjoy and live in a state of infinite love. 

Our continuous conditioning to think like others since we are born doesn’t allow us to resonate with our true and limitless essence, and it’s what ends us depriving us of our original freedom. This continuous conditioning handed down from generation to generation is what has led us to forget and misunderstand the real meaning of freedom.  

Freedom from past thoughts and future expectations, freedom to be, to exist, to experience joy, health, innocence, consciousness. Real freedom comes from being aware of what truly makes you happy, not from what others have told you of what happiness is —and taking responsibility for this.  

Consciously choosing to become free by transcending our conditioning or inner boundaries and expanding our resonance is the only way we can live in freedom.  

The biggest problem is that most people are not aware or don’t believe they aren’t free or lack freedom.  

The first step to returning to our inborn freedom is recognizing and understanding that we are not entirely free. If you remain replicating other people’s misunderstandings around freedom, this will perpetuate unfreedom and block you from expanding your resonance and possibility to change. 

Awareness brings the possibility of choosing for ourselves instead of blindly repeating what we have been conditioned for. Choice can change our individual resonance and collectively create a better world. 

Belief systems are not innate; therefore, they are not authentically ours. When you are aware, you can choose to resonate with limitlessness and authenticity to expand your resonance and connect with infinite possibilities. 

The freedom we seek is related more with resonating with our limitless, genuine information through our mind and body clouds instead of resonating with a limiting and conditioned intake that burdens our lives. 

Native American elders teach us to weave reality through our dreams and imagination.  

If our mind clouds are polluted with limits, we will continue creating a reality that enslaves us instead of liberating us. Remember, through resonance, we are all the time creating our reality.  

Most important is to come to our true freedom, and this begins with awareness of all the self-limiting beliefs we have habituated to and resonate with.  

It’s time to make better choices, for example, working non-stop to transcend our limiting resonance. When we receive information, we must ask ourselves: “is this is authentic for me?” And supporting this with different practices that neutralize limiting conditioning.  

These will lead us to the beginning of a new understanding and a new dream. When we change the individual dream, we collectively change our perception of reality and our world’s resonance. Imagine if we all could have a crystalline perception; through resonance, we could resonate with a better world. 

I invite you now to close your eyes and, with your transparent perception, begin dreaming with absolute freedom starting in 2022. Using your imagination and your limitless transparent perception, I want you to start dreaming of a new world that resonates with infinity.   

Don’t stop dreaming. Balance your resonance; the world needs you!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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