How to Decode Information to Resonate with a Better World

Jan 16, 2022

We have been educated to only perceive our surrounding world from the matter point of view and therefore believe that we create our reality from matter. However, nothing can be further from the truth. 

Reality is created from energy —from energy encoded with information inside our mind cloud and the resonance of how we have learned to perceive our reality. If we resonate with matter, we cannot resonate nor perceive energy. Energy is the blueprint of the universe. We are energy beings that resonate with the information encoded in our energy and encoded in the energy of others. We are codified and can encode the energy of others. So, our resonance matters if we want to create a better world.  

To understand this better, the brain works similarly to a computer — it decodes energetic information. Our resonance results from our brain interpreting electromagnetic energy fields we have repetitively been exposed to since we came into the world. We are unaware of a lot of data that is constantly resonating, rejecting, attracting, and creating our reality through energy and waves.    

If this is so — what world are we creating?   

Although our planet's electromagnetic field is encoded with limited information, how can our brain decode information to resonate with a better world? 

There is evidence that there are much better options to resonate with.  

Pilots during World War II reported experiencing strange things while flying at high altitudes. Many said a feeling of detachment set in their bodies, and they perceived a halo of thin silence. Some experienced peace, while others experienced euphoria.  

A Navy medical officer and a psychologist published a study about these anomalies and pilots' experience while flying at high altitudes. In this study, Brant Clark and Captain Ashton Graybiel interviewed 137 Navy and Marine pilots — and coined the term "break off" to describe this phenomenon.  

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell also encountered similar experiences referring to them as "the overview effect." He describes it as new awareness and sense of unity when you contemplate the Earth from orbit. Climbers have also felt this phenomenon while reaching high altitudes in the Himalayas.  

Interestingly, energetically, gravity has been associated with limits and lower frequencies. Lower frequencies are information that encodes our energy that limits our resonance. Some examples of lower frequencies in our daily lives are when we judge or divide, get angry, suffer, and are not healthy. Interestingly, gravity decreases when you move away from the mass — this alone unbinds yourself and elevates your frequency. 

Whoever can train with the necessary skills to engage in conscious interaction with our now limited energy could access a permanent state of illumination or "transparency." In other words, if we can transcend the limiting information and resonance encoded in us, we could resonate with the entire universe instead of the limitations we have been encoded through others' limited resonance. 

And there is a scientific explanation that has crystals involved! 

The Orchestrated Objective Reduction Theory (Orch OR), initially proposed by physicist Roger Penrose and anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff in the 1990s, seeks to bridge the gulf between physical matter and felt experience. The idea is that consciousness (information-less information) arises when crystalline microtubules (with the same properties as quartz crystals) inside neurons balance gravitational instabilities.  

In the same way, quartz crystals can neutralize your limitations and lower energy to resonate with your higher self and the unlimited within you.  

Mexican scientist Jacobo Grinberg defined experience as the interaction between our neural field and the energy structure of space. He used the term synergy to refer to this interaction. From a synergetic perspective, space and brain are similar. As he noted in his book "The Conscious Brain," the neural field affects and alters the synergetic organization, and at a certain level of functioning is one with it, in such a way that the product of brain activity is confused with the rest of creation. Whoever feels united to the whole, in its multiple manifestations, knows that their body contains them. They can perceive the world — the internal and the external — as interconnected realms. In the energy world, independent realms do not exist. Nor does the observer or the observed as two separate and dichotomized realities. Instead, our reality is one, and it does not admit separations. 

Our divided world is related not to matter but to energy — to the information encoded within us. 

Most are unaware of the importance of learning to interact with energy and still believe that our reality is built solely from matter and keeps interacting from a matter point of view. But energy is easy to codify and transfer information through resonance. Information codified in our energy can limit or unbound us. That is why it is essential to resonate with the transparent side of reality to resonate with un-division.   

To live in higher frequencies, we do not need to escape gravity going all the way up to the stratosphere or leave the Earth. Just like the microtubules of our brain, we can transcend lower frequencies and balance our resonance using quartz crystals.  

When we transcend or "transparentize" our perceptions, we literally can resonate with the whole universe. Working with quartz crystals daily, using specific practices can help us exceed the limits that do not allow our world to resonate with its best version of reality. 

Choose consciously how to perceive; let's create a better world together! 

Balance your resonance; the world needs you!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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