Cracking the Code of Rejection to Bring Lasting Peace to The World

In today's world, we face a growing daily challenge: the widespread rejection mindset. It seems as if rejection has become a trend. We reject people, communities, ideas, new approaches, and more. The problem is, in doing so, we discard information - the raw material from which our resonance and dissonance are made, and the origin of both acceptance and rejection.

Rejection is a psychological and social phenomenon that involves the experience of being excluded, dismissed, or turned down by...

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God: Another Energy Field of Information We Resonate With

We have learned that the act of Creation is copyrighted, and God— the deity we call "The Creator"— is the only author. Responsible for creating the entire Universe, our world, and our lives. 

It’s ironic that in our technological era, we still give the power to create our reality to an unknown deity.  

Contrary to the common beliefs we learned at home, the reason why we worship an invisible God is thanks to the repetitive information that has been transferred about...

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Can Quartz Crystals Balance Our Frequencies, as in Our Modern Devices?

When we bring our focus and awareness to what we are thinking, we can choose to only receive what helps us build up frequencies that facilitate the flow of energy and higher frequencies. All of this can open up our resonance to vibrate with the best version of ourselves and the world.  

This can be compared to when our bodies resonate with health when we provide them with wholesome nutritious foods, exercise, and mindfulness practices. These small changes move us toward improving our...

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Do you know what you are resonating with now?

Start identifying your resonance with our FREE Starters Meditation.