Are You a Rejector or an Includer?

Any information we reject by default is because it doesnt match The MindCloud - the energy field of information of our minds.  

Rejection is the absence of information in the MindCloud.  

And that’s because, the Mind Program only accepts information that has been encoded or programmed through repetition and automatically rejects any new data that is simply absent.  

We are resonators; we become the information that we resonate with. Our minds operate through...

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God: Another Energy Field of Information We Resonate With

We have learned that the act of Creation is copyrighted, and God— the deity we call "The Creator"— is the only author. Responsible for creating the entire Universe, our world, and our lives. 

It’s ironic that in our technological era, we still give the power to create our reality to an unknown deity.  

Contrary to the common beliefs we learned at home, the reason why we worship an invisible God is thanks to the repetitive information that has been transferred about...

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Elections & The MindCloud Effect

It seems as if the electoral process is conscious and authentic for us, but this is far from being true. Political elections are not conscious choices as any other decision we make in our lives. When we make any choice, we do so from our MindCloud, which is the energy field of information that has been coded into us since the moment we are conceived.   

This information is made up of the beliefs, disbelieves, and the hardships of our parents (or those who replaced them), family,...

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How to Stop Passing Your Limiting Resonance to Your Descendants

Everything is energy in a world made of energy, including our painful experiences. 

That breakup, that feeling of unhappiness, injustice, that distressing situation that takes away your sleep did not originate in an external circumstance or experience as you have learned to believe. It arises from resonance — information inside your quantum field, you have embedded during your childhood. First, throughout the continuous exposure to the information in the shape of experiences...

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Spreading The Best Resonance Through What We Eat

Albert Einstein once said that "Everything in life is vibration." And he was right, from an energy standpoint, what we all perceive or interpret as different forms of matter are various energy fields of information — codified data in energy. Like data encoded in our electronic devices' clouds, information is encoded in our energy fields. These are called quantum fields, and they encode all the information for everything. 

As quantum fields are energy with no boundaries, they...

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Transparency: Opening Up to Resonate with a Better World

Seven octillion atoms make up our body, each 99.9999999% energy. Although we are not able to see it with our naked eyes, we are limitless energy beings.

So why are we not resonating with our endless transparent energy nature? What are we resonating with instead? What is that which is limiting our unlimited wellbeing? What is patterning our limitless energy confining us instead of setting us free to resonate with who we really are? What is constraining our energy resonance to live our best...

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Do you know what you are resonating with now?

Start identifying your resonance with our FREE Starters Meditation.