Spreading The Best Resonance Through What We Eat

Feb 13, 2022

Albert Einstein once said that "Everything in life is vibration." And he was right, from an energy standpoint, what we all perceive or interpret as different forms of matter are various energy fields of information — codified data in energy. Like data encoded in our electronic devices' clouds, information is encoded in our energy fields. These are called quantum fields, and they encode all the information for everything. 

As quantum fields are energy with no boundaries, they constantly interact and transfer information from one to another and continuously affect the way we resonate. The foods that we consume every day are no exception. They have codified energy that interacts, combines, and affects our resonance for better or worse. 

So, how can the food we eat help us improve our resonance? To expand it instead of limiting it? And to resonate with the best of us? 

If everything is energy that is constantly interacting, it's essential to expose ourselves to information that expands us rather than information that limits us. This connects us with qualities such as health, expansion, and balance. Recognizing the origins of the foods we eat is crucial to resonate with the best of ourselves. This means learning about the energy fields of information to which the foods we consume have been exposed.   

Food impacts our resonance and wellbeing. Hippocrates already knew this in 400 BC with his famous quote: "Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food."   

When we eat beings that have experienced anxiety and suffering, even if they are dead, that information remains in our energy field and we are resonating with it attracting all sorts of imbalances. We are embodying the pain and torture they experienced, even their lifelessness. Today we know that meat consumption is associated with an increased risk of mortality.  

On the other hand, there is evidence of the connection between plants and vitality. In 1954, L. Colli and U. Fachini discovered light emission from germinating plants. Plants emit photons when they are alive. Photons are electrically neutral and balanced energy. All pluck fruits and vegetables from naturally growing plants are alive when they are fresh. Plant food can maintain its circadian clock and cellular functions long after being harvested and sold in grocery stores.  

Ayurveda is the world's oldest medical science, originating in ancient India around 3,000 B.C. For Ayurveda, sattva is balance. Sattvic foods can bring balance and harmony and connect us with wholeness. Most fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts — not cooked, not genetically modified, and without chemicals in the process of growing and delivery — are sattvic. 

Even the information in your energy field, in the shape of thoughts, emotions, and words, while you are preparing the food or eating can alter the resonance of the food.  

The old saying: "You are what you eat" might be referring more to what we resonate with. 

Each of our 37.2 trillion cells are made of 100 trillion atoms, and each of our atoms are 99.9999999% energy. We are energy beings — resonance matters! 

Choosing what energy you let into your body is crucial if you want to resonate with limitless resonance and the best of you. This includes not only others' words and thoughts but also your food. 

The food you eat every day directly impacts your resonance and what you attract and reject in your life. Making more thoughtful and better food choices can help us balance and improve our individual and our collective resonance. 

To resonate with the best of you and a better world, choose foods that resonate with peace, love, kindness, and wellbeing. 

Balance your resonance; the world needs you!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using beatrizsinger.com copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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