Neutralize the Information in Your Mind Cloud

Were you aware that the DNA containing our genetic code is a crystalline structure that records our ancestral physical and psychological information alongside our greatest gifts and our limitations? 

Through our DNA, we bring the resonance of our past to the present.  

We come into this world through our mother's body; inevitably, her information is embedded within us. Just like a computer program is created by codified information, our mother's information begins to codify our...

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Opening Up to Freedom and Infinite Resonance in 2022

The first known reference to freedom appears in Sumer in 2112 BC as Ama-gi that literally meant “return to mother.” In other words, restoring our inborn information, releasing everything except who we innately are. 

Interestingly we find many definitions of freedom that appoint a condition where you can be independent without constrain. Some even relate it to a state of mind with unblocked autonomy to emancipate. 

If that is so, what stops us from living in freedom?...

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Re-evaluating Our Education System for Our Children to Resonate with the Best of Themselves

Although we are born with different abilities, interests, and unique personalities, society favors standardization and uniformity through the educational system rather than developing our authentic nature. 

The authentic part inside of us is threatened since we come into the world. First, through the information we receive from our childhood environment, call it dad or mom, or someone else. And then through the one-size-fits-all academic ecosystem.  


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