Can Quartz Crystals Protect Us from Negative Energy?

Nov 28, 2021

We are infinite energy beings, and our energy fields are interconnected. Additionally, we attract what we resonate with. However, the origin of our energy and resonance is inside our own selves. Deep within our heart, mind, and body clouds lie the answers to the energy and frequencies that permeate our lives. If negative energy has knocked today at your door, it's not precisely because someone else is sending you bad vibes; it's because you already are resonating with these negative vibes inside your mind cloud. 

Negative energy results from the negative information we have been exposed to in our daily lives without even being aware of it — which means it’s constantly resonating inside of us, attracting further negative energy. If not worked consciously, negativity can become an endless cycle. That is the explanation behind why some of us experience bad things often. Our greatest enemies are not others’ psychic attacks or bad vibes; Our greatest enemy is the negative resonance we are generating due to the programming we integrated throughout our lives.  

The only way to transcend negativity is not outside but within each of us and it is called resonance. If we want to protect ourselves from negative energies, first, we must recognize the source of the negativity inside us affecting our resonance and attracting adverse circumstances.  

We learn that we must blame others or external factors for our problems and mishaps. From society, we internalized we are victims, and all of the pain and chaos in our lives comes from the outside world. But in reality, it's our built-in resonance that is attracting the negativity we blame others for. The one that harms us and prevents us from resonating with our authentic energy and creating our most extraordinary resonance and opportunities in life. 

Working with quartz crystals can be the first step to help you balance and neutralize your resonance. Combining crystal healing with an integrated resonance strategy that involves the different aspects of your life can help you transcend your negativity.  

The second step is to begin generating positive resonance. Now, the great dilemma arises: How can we generate positive resonance? And the answer is by questioning and neutralizing the origins of negativity you are exposed to daily. A great practice to reach this goal is meditation. Meditating allows us to zoom out for a clearer perspective of ourselves. It can help us be conscious of our negative thoughts to substitute them for positive ones. Another great practice is Gratitude. Being grateful amplifies the best of us, clearing out the gloomy noise of dissonance and distrust in others. Another powerful practice is Service. Selflessly caring for others without agendas ignites neutral resonance and closes the doors to any underlying negativity. These practices can help us connect with the best, even in the worst circumstances.   

When you have a negative thought and choose to neutralize it, that is the moment when you resonate with more light or neutral energy, and you can balance your resonance. Imagine if you could transcend those negative thoughts you have integrated from your surroundings and let positivity in instead.  

If each of us consciously work on ourselves, individual lives would be dramatically better, and so would the world we live in. 

We are all infinite energy beings interconnected with each other. If we attract that which we resonate with, all it really takes is to make conscious choices and balance our resonance.    

Remember, through resonance, the answers and solutions are always within ourselves.   

Balance your resonance. The world needs you!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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