Crystalline Resonance: Materializing a Better World

Jan 30, 2022

Tam Hunt and Jonathan Schooler of the University of California, Santa Barbara suggest that resonance, another word for synchronized vibrations, could be at the heart of our physical reality and is the primary mechanism of all physical interactions.   

According to them, all things in our Universe, even if they appear stationary, are vibrating, oscillating, and resonating at various frequencies. And that what we identify as matter are just different energy fields vibrating. 

So how does materialization occur? 

When different vibrating energy or frequencies come into proximity, they begin to vibrate together at the same frequency after a bit of time. They literally sync up and are self-organized. 

Words and our minds are also vibrating energy—the words we are exposed to repetitively sync up and become our thoughts and beliefs after a while. And these, in turn, sync up with the vibrations of our environment to materialize reality. Our shared vibrations and resonance spread through our interconnected energy fields and become not only the hallmark of our individual lives but also what we experience collectively. As you see, resonance is at the core of our own evolution. 

If you are in the same place with other people —it doesn’t matter if you interact with them or not. Each of their surrounding thoughts, attitudes, and emotions are vibrations that can sync up and play a part in materializing your health, relationships, and lives.  

Think for a moment of all the vibrations you have been exposed to and sync up individually. Now think about all the vibrations that have synched up to materialize our actual reality. 

Yes, energy is at the core of our world’s problems and also at the core of their solution. It all depends on the frequencies we choose to synch up with daily. If our reality is all about vibrations, the quality of our vibrations matter, and most importantly, about our shared vibrations.  

Quartz crystals are vibrating energy that has the ability to balance or neutralize any field of information. The electromagnetic field generated by the heart is the most powerful rhythmic energy field produced by the body. Studies conducted in the Heart Math Institute laboratory have evidenced that the heart's electromagnetic field can produce measurable effects in a person 5 feet away.  

Today we know that our heart has one of the essential crystalline structures—myoglobin, a hemoprotein that relates to the heart's electricity that allows the expansion and contraction of the myocardium muscles and pumping blood throughout the body.  

Our heart resonates with quartz crystals. Wearing a quartz crystal over the heart can help you synch up with transparent neutral energy and synch up all of those exposed to your vibrations.  

If we consciously choose so, we can certainly improve our individual and collective vibration and resonance to materialize a better world. 

Balance your resonance; the world needs you!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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