Vibrating Towards a Better World with Quartz Crystals

Sometimes, we run into situations where people say one thing but do another. This isn’t new; it’s been a problem throughout history. Today, we’re dealing with the consequences. Whether it's leaders who preach unity but end up creating division, religious figures who promote peace but support war, or wellness advocates who only focus on parts instead of the wellbeing of all —the inconsistency is clear. This gap between words and actions has deep roots and broad impacts,...

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War or No War? The Implications to Our World Resonance

If we were to creatively explore the "effect of war on the resonance of the world" using quantum concepts, here's my take:

1. Wave Function and Superposition: Just as particles exist in a superposition of states until observed, nations or societies might exist in multiple potential states of peace and conflict. 

Choice plays a pivotal role here:

If we opt for war, our "observation" collapses this superposition into a reality characterized by war.

However, if we instead emphasize peaceful...

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The Karmic Backlash of Choosing the Resonance for Others

Have you ever thought you knew what’s best for someone else and tried to make choices for them? While it might come from a place of care, it can unintentionally cause more harm than good to the person you aim to assist. Acting without explicit awareness and the clear consent of another can lead to unforeseen consequences, affecting not just their life trajectory but ours as well.

Unfortunately, many of us fail to realize that we each enter the world with our own preloaded “hard...

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Break Your Status Quo Now!

The 'Status Quo' is like our lifes autopilot. Even if we aren't aware of it, it directs our choices, much like a GPS deciding our routes. Different parts of our lives feed into this GPS:

 • Family: They give us our first values and shape how we see the world. Sometimes sticking to these teachings feels safe, but at times, it can also keep us running in circles.

 • Religion: It teaches norms and traditions. While they offer comfort, they can also discourage...

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Tactics to Transcend Quick Judgements and Expand Our Resonance

There is an significant problem when someone has experienced rejection, judgement and exclusion—be it personal or ancestral— and it is that not only will their resonance will be primed to expect or perceive rejection, but their brain will too.

Constant exposure to judgment and rejection often gets internalized, fostering a mindset that either expects or unconsciously attracts such reactions.

Interestingly, concepts of judgment, rejection, and exclusion tie back to resonance. ...

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Neutrality: The Key to Solving Life’s Problems

The first thing we need to do before solving a problem is to truly understand what the problem is.

For example, we might find ourselves struggling to maintain a healthy relationship with a family member, spouse, or coworker. We've learned that our problems originate outside of us, in other people or external circumstances. We look to solve our problems outside of us. However, we can't solve our problems unless we find their true origin and nature. If, at the subatomic level, we are...

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Our Heart: Our Inner Hub for Resonating with Infinity

The heart has often been associated with love, affection, compassion, and empathy. Ancient traditions often regard it as the center of our being or spirit. From a biological perspective, the heart is vital in sustaining our life and overall health. However, the heart is not just a mere pump; it possesses a complex electrical system that enables its effective functioning. This electrical system generates an electromagnetic field, which can be measured beyond the confines of our bodies.


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Cracking the Code of Rejection to Bring Lasting Peace to The World

In today's world, we face a growing daily challenge: the widespread rejection mindset. It seems as if rejection has become a trend. We reject people, communities, ideas, new approaches, and more. The problem is, in doing so, we discard information - the raw material from which our resonance and dissonance are made, and the origin of both acceptance and rejection.

Rejection is a psychological and social phenomenon that involves the experience of being excluded, dismissed, or turned down by...

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Divorce: The Cradle of Lasting Separation or Connection? You choose!

Without exception, we are all programmed by external repetitive information. Any experience repeatedly lived for an extended period can program our MindClouds — to accept the programmed data and reject the absent one.

According to quantum physics, we are all interconnected energy, meaning that information travels through energy and has the ability to reprogram us. Being this so, the collective wellbeing is constantly threatened by each of the personal experiences we live that limit our...

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We Are Much More Than Our Families

In the same way a computer cannot work without a program or coded information, neither can we. Indeed, our reality is the by-product of all information, past and present, we’ve been and are repeatedly exposed to.

According to Quantum Mechanics, instantaneous connections between energy particles continue beyond time and space. Even though we have learned to believe that some situations belong and happened in the past; they really are happening now — in the...

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