Neutrality: The Key to Solving Life’s Problems

Jul 09, 2023

The first thing we need to do before solving a problem is to truly understand what the problem is.

For example, we might find ourselves struggling to maintain a healthy relationship with a family member, spouse, or coworker. We've learned that our problems originate outside of us, in other people or external circumstances. We look to solve our problems outside of us. However, we can't solve our problems unless we find their true origin and nature. If, at the subatomic level, we are 99.9999999% energy coded with information, and through resonance with this information field, our problems originate in our energy and in the information that has been encoded in it. 

Today thanks to science we know that although we perceive ourselves as matter sub-atomically, we are encoded energy with the information received repeatedly from our environment. And we also know that through resonance with this repeated information within us -  our surrounding reality with every single situation we live is created. 

From this perspective, the origin of our problems is not outside but within us.

That’s why an all-encompassing Infinite Resonance Strategy begins by prompting us to question not merely what the problem is, but rather its source. So, for instance, instead of concluding that a complicated relationship is causing our distress or hardship, we might ponder over the past information repeatedly seeded within us that has resulted in the troubled relationship we are experiencing in the present.

For instance, a troubled relationship between a daughter and her mother could originate from various sources of information in their past, or the history of their ancestors. For example, if the daughter’s mother or father were unwanted babies. Or, if the mother or stepmother had a poor relationship with her own mother. This could, in turn, be the root cause of betrayal or bad relationships with women in general - ranging from friends to coworkers and bosses. 

By pinpointing and delving deep into the information encoded within us —the genuine root of our pain—we gain the ability to neutralize it and heal it.

For me, neutralizing information is the solution to most of our problems.

And by neutralizing I refer to the process of altering or managing the impact of certain data or experiences stored within our subconscious. This often involves understanding the information, reframing our perspective towards it, and integrating it in a way that reduces its negative influence or completely eliminates its limiting effects in our resonance. It could mean identifying and confronting past traumas, incorrect beliefs, or negative patterns and then working consciously through these issues to lessen their harmful effects on our present behavior, relationships or general wellbeing. 

In essence, neutralizing is actually approaching the problem from what we might call a beginner’s mind, or a baseline energy mind frame which promotes healing and personal growth.

Neutrality is the actual underlying principle of The Infinite Resonance Method.

Instead of evaluating a situation or problem through the lens of our biases and attempting to reduce their influence, we neutralize the information. This allows us to view the situation from a perspective devoid of fear, judgement, and the recurring emotions that often lead us into conflict or suffering. 

You might wonder, how can we use neutrality to solve daily problems?  

The key is to quiet the noise of our MindClouds. Apart from the methods previously mentioned, integrating different viewpoints also helps. This creates a more holistic approach, resulting in well-rounded solutions.

Empathy is also key in this process. In difficult relationships, understanding the other person’s  struggles and our part in them can shift judgement to understanding, which later can allow healing. 

For personal conflicts or bad habits, silencing our internal noise to see the bigger picture might help. By avoiding self-judgement and focusing on understanding our needs and past influences, we can break harmful cycles and change our habits.

By navigating through the information in our MindClouds, with neutrality, we can observe the broken pieces to change them for healthier and stronger ones. In the eternal present we have the capability of changing the past and the future, because we are made of energy and energy is timeless.

Other methods to achieve neutrality include breath work and meditation. The Infinite Resonance Method enhances certain meditation techniques using Quartz Crystals and Crystal Healing, helping you reach a state of neutrality more quickly.

The Infinite Resonance Method can guide you towards neutrality, helping you identify key problems in your life and providing step-by-step solutions. With its structured practices, you will gain a new fresh perspective on life. To experience your life differently, you need to change and widen your viewpoint, and that’s what this method helps you achieve.

Neutrality, like any discipline or mindset, requires consistent effort to master. With more practice, it becomes easier and more instinctive to apply in all life’s situations.

Infinite Resonance Strategy sessions opening soon

Balance your resonance; the world needs you!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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