We Are Much More Than Our Families

In the same way a computer cannot work without a program or coded information, neither can we. Indeed, our reality is the by-product of all information, past and present, we’ve been and are repeatedly exposed to.

According to Quantum Mechanics, instantaneous connections between energy particles continue beyond time and space. Even though we have learned to believe that some situations belong and happened in the past; they really are happening now — in the...

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Un-limiting Yourself to Resonate with Infinity

In the boundaryless energy world; energy fields intermingle. The energy field devoid of information is patterned by our genetic codes and the information received while we are inside the womb. 

Our default was un-limitedness, previous to entering into our little bodies inside the uterus.  

When we are born, we no longer resonate 100 percent with our original information. Though there is still a tiny percentage that continues to maintain that infinite connection. 


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How Do Our Names Affect Our Resonance?

Every word we receive and send to the world is a field of information that interacts with our MindCloud. When we repetitively interact with a specific word, the information enclosed in that particular word encodes our MindCloud, predisposing it to attract similar information and reject that with which it differs.

Our names are sounds through which we are known, addressed, or referred. But, like any word we receive, it is also an energy field of information that can potentially encode our...

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