The Karmic Backlash of Choosing the Resonance for Others

Oct 15, 2023

Have you ever thought you knew what’s best for someone else and tried to make choices for them? While it might come from a place of care, it can unintentionally cause more harm than good to the person you aim to assist. Acting without explicit awareness and the clear consent of another can lead to unforeseen consequences, affecting not just their life trajectory but ours as well.

Unfortunately, many of us fail to realize that we each enter the world with our own preloaded “hard drive” and authentic viewpoints. When we step in to instruct or guide people, whether it’s our child, a new student, a beginner, a citizen, or someone impaired due to illness, we must remember to consider their own unique perspectives.

Though we may not realize it consciously, each of us is an infinite resonator, unconsciously vibrating with information encoded from previous lifetimes, but also influenced by our present’s life experiences.

Repeated exposure to certain information can shape our energy, create resonance, and manifest in our lives. Whether it comes from our parents, educators, religious figures, government, caregivers, or others, this information not only influences us but also leaves an imprint on those who deliver it, for better and worse. In genuine spiritual teachings, transferring our beliefs or information onto someone else’s energy without their conscious choice or explicit consent, is referred to as Karma.

Undoubtedly, the phenomenon of influencing another’s MindCloud is evident across various areas in our lives. When an individual or institution guides or makes decisions that directly influence another’s emotions, beliefs and life direction, this is a clear instance of shaping and “choosing another’s resonance.” This influence spans from parenting and education to religion, government, leadership, and even within family structures. 

The following are areas where the act of choosing another’s resonance is particularly noticeable:


Inherently involves making decisions for a child. While meant for their wellbeing, these decisions might not resonate with the child’s authentic information.


Without question, educational systems always choose the curriculum for us, overshadowing alternative areas of study or perspectives that may align more closely with our authentic selves or resonate more profoundly with us.


It guides our choices by manipulating information to align with the limiting data in our MindCloud, overshadowing the authentic and boundless information within us.


Dogmatic religious teachings often make choices for us. They demand unwavering adherence, pushing personal exploration to the sidelines. As a result, these teachings can lead to the automatic rejection of certain identities, thereby limiting inclusion and understanding. 


Science can limit our perspectives by prioritizing certain information, which influences our choices and narrows how we connect authentically with reality.


Often, our choices are molded by the collective rules present from birth. While these norms might uphold existing structures, they don't always align with our unique identities, and can hinder progress.


Leaders, whether in business, teams or communities, often choose for us, making decisions without considering the resonance of those they lead.


While families may have good intentions, they often choose for us, assuming we lack experience or cognitive awareness. This affects our resonance, the reality we create, and the resulting lived experiences.

Everything in our universe, at a sub-atomic level, is electromagnetic energy. From an energy perspective, we are all interconnected. When energy enters our brain repeatedly through our senses, specially our ears and eyes, the neural network strengthens the associated connections, creating patterns of information to which we begin to respond. Over time, this resonant pattern shapes our reality, becoming our beliefs, perceptions and behaviors. Consequently, we react mainly to these patterns, excluding those we don’t resonate with, thus limiting numerous other possibilities.

When we impose our limiting beliefs on others, it holds everyone back due to our interconnectedness. This can rebound on us as karma, limiting our evolution.

Its vital to recognize and respect the unique resonances that each individual carries. The fabric of our universe is woven with electromagnetic energy, a force that shapes our beliefs, behaviors, and the choices we make. We must tread cautiously when projecting our perceptions onto others, as these impositions might not only limit their growth but resonate back to us by restricting our own evolution.

Instead, lets nurture an environment where each person is empowered to discover and amplify their authentic resonance. By doing so, we not only enrich our own lives but also sow seeds of positive growth for generations to come. 

Let’s envision a future where understanding prevails, where we collectively amplify our authentic potential and pass our finest resonance: our Dharma —our boundless energy!

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IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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