Cracking the Code of Rejection to Bring Lasting Peace to The World

Jun 11, 2023

In today's world, we face a growing daily challenge: the widespread rejection mindset. It seems as if rejection has become a trend. We reject people, communities, ideas, new approaches, and more. The problem is, in doing so, we discard information - the raw material from which our resonance and dissonance are made, and the origin of both acceptance and rejection.

Rejection is a psychological and social phenomenon that involves the experience of being excluded, dismissed, or turned down by others. It often results in sadness, disappointment, and frustration, and can lead people to withdraw into isolation, separation, and exclusion. It involves being unaccepted, disapproved, or invalidated by our significant others, family members, friends, coworkers, communities, species, and so on.

The problem is that rejection can significantly impact an individual’s emotional wellbeing and self-esteem. It can create feelings of inadequacy, unworthiness, or a fear of further rejection.

Thanks to Computer Science and Neuroscience, we now know that rejection is not random, but is influenced by various underlying factors.

Software Programs, for example, will accept or reject certain types of information based on predefined codes. The program only accepts inputs that match its inner data and rejects others.

Similar to computers, our minds process experiences, beliefs, emotions, and social interactions as data. People may reject others when they perceive a lack of compatibility in terms of values, interests, goals, or personality traits. People may also reject others when they lack that information within themselves.

Early life experiences play a critical role in shaping preferences, as neural connections are formed and strengthened based on repetitive information and interactions. Positive or negative experiences can create associations and emotional responses that influence what we accept and reject throughout our lives.

For example, a daughter raised without a mother doesn't have "mom information" encoded. This can have significant implications for her resonance. The information from the mother is crucial for her daughter's well-being and the way she interacts with the world. The resonance that derives from our relationship with our mothers will become the code through which we interact with women throughout our lives.

Mothers symbolize protection, security, emotional nurturing, and serve as an instruction manual for becoming a mom later in life. Women raised without a mom may feel insecure and life can become a constant struggle. They may have difficult relationships with other women, become absent mothers, or struggle to understand how to be one. 

Also, when you have been raised in a community with repetitive information in the form of beliefs, behaviors, and traditions, you resonate only with that information and automatically dismiss any other information that differs from it. This is the origin of social conformity, which is the source of most conflicts between family members, genders, races, religions, political parties, and countries. It is also the origin of peer pressure or the desire to fit in with a particular social group’s values, beliefs, or behaviors.

Perception shapes our reality, and rejection is no exception.

 Repetition plays a crucial role in memory formation and the storage of information in our brain.

Neural connections can strengthen or weaken the pathways in our brain based on repetition or the constraints of information in the shape of stimuli, ideas, or interactions. Repeating neural connections become our preferences. This explains the social learning phenomenon, where new behaviors can be acquired by observing or imitating others.

However, our brains continually update our preferences based on new experiences, feedback, and changing internal or external information. This is what healing is all about. 

The information gathered from our surroundings, encoded within our MindClouds, along with the observer effect in quantum mechanics, shape the very fabric of rejection.

Rejection can trigger emotional responses, such as sadness, disappointment, or anger. Prejudice, bias, and discrimination can become the end result. And unfortunately, this information can be passed along our entangled and interconnected energy fields — between us, our communities, and future generations as well.

The problem is that the way our brain processes and regulates emotions can influence our subsequent preferences and behaviors in response to rejection.

Even though the reasons why each person rejects information is different, the presence of a lack of information is always constant.

That's why it’s crucial to become aware of the information we are resonating with and not resonating with, and explore ways to shift our inner resonance and inclination towards rejection. By expanding and/or neutralizing inner data—individually and collectively— to include more and reject less, we foster authentic connections and build compassionate communities that transcend the limitations imposed by rejection.

Want to neutralize the limiting information that makes you reject others? Want to heal our resonance to resonate with a better world? 


July Sessions open soon! Balance your resonance; the world needs you!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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