Divorce: The Cradle of Lasting Separation or Connection? You choose!

May 14, 2023

Without exception, we are all programmed by external repetitive information. Any experience repeatedly lived for an extended period can program our MindClouds — to accept the programmed data and reject the absent one.

According to quantum physics, we are all interconnected energy, meaning that information travels through energy and has the ability to reprogram us. Being this so, the collective wellbeing is constantly threatened by each of the personal experiences we live that limit our information and our ability to connect with others.

Today we will talk about Divorce, one of the most painful experiences many of us have lived through, and how this information impacts our individual and collective resonance.

Repetitive information can program our MindClouds to resonate with it. So, what happens with the information we repetitively receive throughout a divorce? I am referring here to the information exchanged between parents and children and the information outsourced during this process from aliens —family, extended family, step-parents, acquaintances, counselors, and strangers.

We often hear that family is the foundation of society, but we seldom consciously realize that marriage is the solid base upon which a family is built. Numerous psychological and sociological studies clearly show that the factor that most influence children, positively or negatively, is the quality of their parents' relationship. If the parents' relationship is filled with constant arguments, fights, insults, and mistreatment, or if they ignore each other and don't maintain an open, loving, and healthy relationship, their children may grow up insecure, unstable, and even rebellious. On the other hand, if the parents' relationship is characterized by harmony, love, respect, and positive, effective communication, their children are more likely to grow up calm and happy.

As you see, any repetitive piece of information will affect and shape the resonance of those involved forever — for good or bad unless you work consciously to neutralize it. 

In 2021 in the United States alone, there were 689,308 divorces. Now imagine the limited amount of information exchanged and spread between the MindClouds of those affected. If, at a sub-atomic level, our 99.9999999% energy is interconnected, the world's wellbeing is at stake.

To get a better idea, let's break down what happens exactly with the resonance of those affected and how the interconnectedness of their energies affects us all as a collective.

Whether we want it or not, consciously or not, each of our experiences affects our resonance, and with it, our ability to co-create not only our particular reality but our collective one. 

And this may sound like an exaggeration. But at the quantum level, we collectively are a great mass of energy. Similar to how a malfunctioning organ in the human body impacts an individual's health, the introduction of limited information into the collective organism affects the wellbeing and harmony of our planet.

But how can information from a single divorce affect us all?

When exploring the idea that each of our words and actions is energy encoded with information that can generate and perpetuate resonance, all hostile acts in a divorce process potentially can bring this hostility to our surroundings.

Sadly, we have learned that Divorce or separating from our partners must be acts of war characterized by aggression, resentment, frustration, pain, intolerance, separation, and exclusion. The real problem here is that the issue goes beyond just you and your partner; it also affects your children, their families, future relationships, and all their interactions throughout their lives.

When two people choose to unite their lives, not only are they joining their worlds but their MindClouds as well. They combine both the information from their experiences, together with those of their environment, plus the information transmitted from generation to generation through their ancestors.

Think about it, if you had not learned to resonate with the limiting biases acquired from those around you while growing up, not only would divorce not be a war act, but it wouldn't even exist.

The scorching experience of Divorce inside our MindClouds begins long before the Divorce itself. It's closely related to the information inside our MindClouds on how a Divorce should be — how we should act and how it should unfold. It may have its origin in the ancestral information we are resonating with, in the experience of a close acquaintance, and the general knowledge related to this topic.

Additionally, if our ancestors did not have the necessary toolkit to handle the events that couples experience as poor communication, jealousy, lack of shared time, problems in sexual life, coexistence problems, addictions, disagreement in responsibilities, inattention, infidelity, monotony, issues outside the couple, lack of commitment, different interests, meddling or difficulties with families, clash in raising children, etc. Through resonance with the information encoded in your energy, likely, your descendants will unconsciously repeat the same information on automatic pilot. 

If love brings us together, love should persist beyond any circumstance. However, love is not enough. Resonance plays a vital role in lasting relationships. Relationship problems, like most problems, occur due to dissonance or lack of shared information inside the partner's MindCloud. Similar data in our MindClouds is crucial for enduring relationships.

From the Infinite Resonance Perspective, fixing a marriage can be as simple as expanding information or neutralizing information. Sadly, most of us are not aware of this and don't resonate with the resources to reconnect.

The fight-or-flight response, inherited from our ancestors, may be automatically triggered during a divorce. This can lead to potential consequences for our children and future generations, as they may be more prone to exhibiting aggressive, exclusionary, or separatist behaviors.

This comes close to my heart, and I know it because I have experienced it as a daughter, ex-wife, and through people close to me and my clients. Divorces leave long-lasting emotional debris within all of us when we lack expansive information and/or neutrality.

The problem is that the information learned during a divorce keeps resonating within each protagonist. And our interconnectedness keeps attracting more wars and disasters to our individual, couple, family, and collective lives. 

It took a lot of tears, personal work, and practice to neutralize my resonance and become aware of what I just wrote to you. Even today, I receive stray bullets from many of those involved, still unaware of their resonance, who have not done their inner work.

Lasting individual and collective peace should not be a process alien to us but a personal one. It starts within each of us —with our resonance.

To all those who are divorced or getting divorced, who are the children of divorcees, their relatives, wives, husbands, ex-wives, ex-husbands, stepmothers, and stepfathers, I invite you to ask yourself today: What can I do about my divorce experience

—present or past— to generate the best possibility of reality for all involved —and future generations— to resonate collectively with peace in the world?

By working consciously on our Infinite Resonance, EVERYTHING has a solution!

Balance your resonance; the world needs you!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using beatrizsinger.com copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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