Transcending The Believing Brain's Resonance

The best way to illustrate resonance is by looking at the sky at night.  

If you see the sky from a large Metropolis, you will see occasional stars in the sky. But if instead, you see the sky out in nature, you will be able to perceive the sky in all its splendor and immensity — with its infinite stars, planets, and galaxies. Our perception changes from limited to infinite. My work is about switching our present resonance and opening ourselves to unlimited possibilities where...

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How Can Individual Resonance Impact Collective Resonance?

Without exception we are all 99.9999999% energy, and energy has no barriers. We are all interconnected. This makes it easier for information to pass from one energy field to another. However it isn’t as simple as it sounds, because each of us resonates with different information. In a world that is run by information and by the filters of information each of us has received since we were born - means that if my information is similar to yours, we both have similar resonance, but if it...

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Elections & The MindCloud Effect

It seems as if the electoral process is conscious and authentic for us, but this is far from being true. Political elections are not conscious choices as any other decision we make in our lives. When we make any choice, we do so from our MindCloud, which is the energy field of information that has been coded into us since the moment we are conceived.   

This information is made up of the beliefs, disbelieves, and the hardships of our parents (or those who replaced them), family,...

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Un-limiting Yourself to Resonate with Infinity

In the boundaryless energy world; energy fields intermingle. The energy field devoid of information is patterned by our genetic codes and the information received while we are inside the womb. 

Our default was un-limitedness, previous to entering into our little bodies inside the uterus.  

When we are born, we no longer resonate 100 percent with our original information. Though there is still a tiny percentage that continues to maintain that infinite connection. 


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How Do Our Names Affect Our Resonance?

Every word we receive and send to the world is a field of information that interacts with our MindCloud. When we repetitively interact with a specific word, the information enclosed in that particular word encodes our MindCloud, predisposing it to attract similar information and reject that with which it differs.

Our names are sounds through which we are known, addressed, or referred. But, like any word we receive, it is also an energy field of information that can potentially encode our...

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Food Choices & Resonance

Like thoughts and beliefs, the sense of taste is also hardwired into our brain. Taste is not in our tongue’s taste buds but, in our brain’s, temporal cortex, contrary to popular belief. The temporal cortex is the part of the brain that recognizes flavors, specifically the amygdala and limbic system. 

Pleasant and unpleasant flavors depend on the amygdala. On the other hand, the limbic system reminds of flavors based on our previous experiences. 

We don't taste food; we...

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Switching Our Mindset from Mistake to Resonance Expansion

In the Universe everything is in constant flow. It’s a never-ending chain of actions and reactions. Energy is constantly moving without limitations and resonating with infinity. If we were able to keep this constant flow in our lives, they would be perfect.  

Unfortunately, when we resonate with limited information, our energy stops flowing and with it our connection to infinity. This limited information can take the shape of beliefs, education, limiting experiences or...

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Neutralize the Information in Your Mind Cloud

Were you aware that the DNA containing our genetic code is a crystalline structure that records our ancestral physical and psychological information alongside our greatest gifts and our limitations? 

Through our DNA, we bring the resonance of our past to the present.  

We come into this world through our mother's body; inevitably, her information is embedded within us. Just like a computer program is created by codified information, our mother's information begins to codify our...

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Winning the War through Energy Resonance

Today we are facing discouraging times. It seems as if chaos —imbalance— has taken over the world’s balance. It’s very disheartening to sit and watch atrocity —dissonance— consuming millions of fellow humans. 

Through time and history, we have integrated the information handed over to us by previous generations in our mind clouds. Amidst this information, separation masquerades in the shapes of race, religion, social class, nationality, etc. We have...

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Spreading The Best Resonance Through What We Eat

Albert Einstein once said that "Everything in life is vibration." And he was right, from an energy standpoint, what we all perceive or interpret as different forms of matter are various energy fields of information — codified data in energy. Like data encoded in our electronic devices' clouds, information is encoded in our energy fields. These are called quantum fields, and they encode all the information for everything. 

As quantum fields are energy with no boundaries, they...

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Do you know what you are resonating with now?

Start identifying your resonance with our FREE Starters Meditation.