Un-limiting Yourself to Resonate with Infinity

Sep 18, 2022

In the boundaryless energy world; energy fields intermingle. The energy field devoid of information is patterned by our genetic codes and the information received while we are inside the womb. 

Our default was un-limitedness, previous to entering into our little bodies inside the uterus.  

When we are born, we no longer resonate 100 percent with our original information. Though there is still a tiny percentage that continues to maintain that infinite connection. 

Unfortunately, we lose this state during socialization in our early stages of life. The repetitive information we are continually exposed to in the first seven years of life patterns our energy, and we stop resonating with our infinite nature. 

We also begin resonating with the layers of inauthentic information incorporated by the tons of fields of information we are exposed to.  

In this way, our resonance becomes limited by all the information we have been and are exposed to. Our lives become the resonance of others with all their limiting and unwanted stories from our mothers, fathers, families, or those who replaced them, and all of the information we have been exposed to since then. 

Their stories become our stories in the shape of health, emotions, behaviors, relationships, abundance, etc. - and their beliefs, inclinations, and world views from religion, politics, race, gender, etc. 

From this perspective, the chaotic and constricted world we live in today is the byproduct of the resonance developed by repetitively being exposed to different energy fields of information throughout our lives. 

But I have good news for you! 

Our authentic infinite resonance and authentic nature keep pulsating within each of us.  

And we can continue to resonate with our original resonance despite all the inauthentic information we're resonating with. 

That’s what my work is all about. 

I'm a Resonance Strategist; I design strategies for you to access your infinite potential and resonate with your best life.  

Un-limiting yourself has many implications, including living in ongoing health, having enriching relationships, everlasting abundance, continued openness to reach new solutions, and evolving through our interconnected energy fields to uplift humanity. 

Un-limiting your life to resonate again with infinity is possible. 

Begin resonating with infinity today. Learn more about The Infinite Resonance Method by Beatriz Singer. 

Balance your resonance; the world needs you! 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using beatrizsinger.com copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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