Embracing the New Field of Information to Catalyze Global Healing

Albert Einstein, the pioneering physicist, once declared: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” This isn’t merely wisdom — he provided a tool to navigate the challenges we face today.

In the realm of physics, it’s an established fact that on a subatomic level, we are primarily composed of energy. This truth applies to everything in the universe, including us. In fact, Einstein’s famous equation E=mc^2 emphasizes...

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Improve Global Resonance Today: Walk Your Talk!

Inconsistency refers to when our thoughts, ideas, actions, or words lack logic or consistency. An idea or action can feel inconsistent when we don’t walk our talk.

For example, if we’re striving and constantly promote to save our world, every action of ours should be working towards the welfare of every single being equally. And by “world,” I mean every single being that inhabits Planet Earth, not just those we are comfortable with. From each family member, to each...

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New Leadership: The Fall of The Pedestal

When we think of the word vulnerability, this is the information that, for most of us, pops into our minds: the condition of being susceptible to harm or danger, the condition of being susceptible to being influenced, a state of being uncertain or unstable, the state of being ill or unhealthy, risk of loss, harm or failure, something that can be exploited by rivals, something at which someone or something is substandard.

But what do all these have in common? Our weaknesses or our inadequacies...

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Are You a Rejector or an Includer?

Any information we reject by default is because it doesnt match The MindCloud - the energy field of information of our minds.  

Rejection is the absence of information in the MindCloud.  

And that’s because, the Mind Program only accepts information that has been encoded or programmed through repetition and automatically rejects any new data that is simply absent.  

We are resonators; we become the information that we resonate with. Our minds operate through...

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How Can Individual Resonance Impact Collective Resonance?

Without exception we are all 99.9999999% energy, and energy has no barriers. We are all interconnected. This makes it easier for information to pass from one energy field to another. However it isn’t as simple as it sounds, because each of us resonates with different information. In a world that is run by information and by the filters of information each of us has received since we were born - means that if my information is similar to yours, we both have similar resonance, but if it...

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Do you know what you are resonating with now?

Start identifying your resonance with our FREE Starters Meditation.