How Do Our Names Affect Our Resonance?

Sep 04, 2022

Every word we receive and send to the world is a field of information that interacts with our MindCloud. When we repetitively interact with a specific word, the information enclosed in that particular word encodes our MindCloud, predisposing it to attract similar information and reject that with which it differs.

Our names are sounds through which we are known, addressed, or referred. But, like any word we receive, it is also an energy field of information that can potentially encode our energy field with that information to resonate with it.

That means that the name our parents choose for us can codify our energy field and predispose us to resonate — and attract and reject experiences — for better or worse.

If our names resonate with specific energy fields of information, what resonance are we attracting into our lives through them?

Many of us name our children after relatives (living or dead); our religion’s or philosophy’s patriarchs, prophets, deities and spiritual qualities. For world leaders, historical figures or people we admire, and other names, we may choose randomly.

When you call a person by their name, you are not just pronouncing their sound; you are invoking the field of information - and through resonance - what comes with it. Resonating with energy fields of information is what Hindus refer to as Karma and Dharma. Karma is the field of information related to negative resonance, and Dharma is the one related to a positive one.

In this way, we not only resonate with the virtues and gifts of those for whom we have been appointed, but also with their experiences and challenges. This includes their negative emotions, character flaws, bad habits, challenging relationships, lack of abundance, health issues, addictions, or any other negative aspect or limitation. 

In some traditions, when a person is very sick, they even have the option of changing their name and, thus, their resonance — to improve their lives.

The inheritance of others' resonance is the same reason why the Dalai Lama, the Pope, and other spiritual traditions leaders are named after their spiritual ancestors so they can attract their ancestors' wisdom.

Today, I invite you to explore the origin of your name and discover what you are resonating with.

Resonance matters! 

And so, does our resonance with our names. Our names must reflect the reality we want to live as Infinite Resonators.

Some of my favorite names come from Sanskrit — Shanti, meaning peace, and Preeti, meaning kindness. What are yours, and what do they resonate with?

It's time to take control of our resonance and create a better version of reality through our interconnected energy fields.

I invite you to choose consciously what you want to resonate with from now on. I am here to help you develop a strategy to get there.

Balance your resonance; the world needs you!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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