Neutralizing Our Spaces to Resonate with Balance

Apr 17, 2022

In the invisible world of energy, we are all immersed in our own energy fields and also interconnected to other’s energy and the energy of our surroundings, including the spaces we frequent and live in.  

We are literally bonded to the energy of our surroundings. No wonder some spaces can connect us with unwanted emotions such as sadness and fear.  

The ancients compared our surrounding spaces to living altars, in which each, and every object creates a specific vibration and resonance. For them, resonance mattered. They designed the space physically and energetically, carefully choosing the vibrations of objects and people inside their spaces. 

Distilling any imbalanced energy was crucial; balanced energy was always the mark. That’s why some cultures encourage taking the shoes off before entering a space, to prevent any unwanted contamination.  

For the ancients, from sacred places to entire cities, each object, material, and color had a specific purpose — accomplishing the best possible resonance. 

Today we know that the empty space between us is not empty. Instead, it’s filled with energy. So, anything we pour into this space will become part of our surrounding energy, energy field, and the information we resonate with and emit into the world. Learning and using consciously that which brings neutrality can help us all resonate with balance.  

What can bring such balance into your space? 

It’s no coincidence that quartz crystals are present in every sacred site in the world. Quartz crystals are known to balance energy. 

They balance energy in our smartphones, computers, and watches and they can balance our energy in their presence. For me, neutral energy is what scientists refer to as zero-point energy, or the vacuum of space, which is also the energetic blueprint of the entire universe. 

The geometry of that, which produces zero-point energy may bring neutral resonance to us. The ancients knew this! For them, sacred sites were places to return to their original inner balance. Through the geometry of quartz crystals, these ancient sites were constantly resonating with neutrality. For them: “To reach across the veil” meant: “to reach across our individual beliefs, to reconnect with our neutrality and well-being.”  

Spaces work how our mind works. When there are no energetic limitations inside, we can resonate with the whole and this increases all of our possibilities in life. No wonder the ancients say: “If you change your space, you change your luck.” Now you can change your luck, or better said, your inner resonance to support your neutrality. When you choose to integrate quartz crystals, you let balance into your life. 

Since everything is energy, external and internal spaces are not separate—they are one. Outside spaces mirror our inner spaces (mind clouds, body clouds) and vice versa. When you balance the energy “without,” you balance the energy within, connecting us with lasting wellbeing!  

You can bring this Ancient wisdom, lasting balance, and well-being into your life and support the process of becoming neutral and the best possible you by placing quartz crystals inside the spaces you frequent.  

Bring balance to your space and world today.  

Balance your resonance. The world needs you! 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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