Are You a Rejector or an Includer?

Any information we reject by default is because it doesnt match The MindCloud - the energy field of information of our minds.  

Rejection is the absence of information in the MindCloud.  

And that’s because, the Mind Program only accepts information that has been encoded or programmed through repetition and automatically rejects any new data that is simply absent.  

We are resonators; we become the information that we resonate with. Our minds operate through...

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Transcending Your Programs to Create a New Reality

Since the moment of conception we begin a long journey of programming. In fact, we are the result of millions of years of programming and evolution through our genetic codes. DNA is a biological program and code that is closely related with our morphic resonance [see The Crystal Blueprint for more] and carries information from generation to generation.

It is therefore safe to state that the beginning of our lives as biological creatures, is the result of a program.  

Fast forwarding to...

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Do you know what you are resonating with now?

Start identifying your resonance with our FREE Starters Meditation.