Transcending Your Programs to Create a New Reality

Mar 28, 2022

Since the moment of conception we begin a long journey of programming. In fact, we are the result of millions of years of programming and evolution through our genetic codes. DNA is a biological program and code that is closely related with our morphic resonance [see The Crystal Blueprint for more] and carries information from generation to generation.

It is therefore safe to state that the beginning of our lives as biological creatures, is the result of a program.  

Fast forwarding to the moment in which we start our process of growth within our mother’s womb, we connect to her body. We create an unbreakable bond that is so close that our mom’s emotions become our own, her thoughts become our own, and her resonance becomes the first frequency that we resonate with in our newfound physical plane.

Our mothers actually become our point of entry to this world and from them we acquire our second program. This is what is categorized as the Mother Program. All of the thoughts, behaviors, patterns, and resonance we acquire from our mother both at a conscious and an unconscious level. It is a strong program since our mothers are the first source of knowledge that we are exposed to. Our first sources of information which we emulate and copy without question.

As we grow older we also acquire our mother’s paradigms, behaviors, and habits, because part of the way in which we learn as humans, is by exposure and repetition. So by being constantly exposed to our mothers, to some extent we become our own unique rendition of hers, hence the Mother Program. 

The same can be said about our fathers. The third program we experience is our Father Program. By excess, by defect, and exposure the information from their behaviors, attitudes, and thoughts also become ours to certain extent. We inherit their strengths and joys, as well as their weaknesses and fears. Their empowering resonance, as well as the limiting resonance that stops them from fulfilling their complete potential as individuals.  

Just like with our fathers, we then start interacting with our extended families who share their views and their frequencies with us, and by experiencing them we gradually adopt them as ours as well, as we begin to form our identities and find a place as individuals in the world.  

The same is true about other foundational sources of information we are constantly exposed to at wider levels through different stages of our development like religion, education, and the media. There are other limiting belief systems that also influence us deeply like politics, gender identity, and nationality. 

Although all of the programs previously mentioned, intersect only once in this universe in a unique way called “us”, they usually deviate us from our uniqueness and authenticity which are our original unbiased energy fields. These are the information-less energy fields that resonate with the universe. By defect we start becoming the people, the information, and the things that surround us. 

In some cases, our environment and experiences can provide us with tools to grow and expand, but in others they can truly bind and limit us. This is specially true when we follow programs that can be detrimental to our evolution, and to fulfill our purpose in life. 

A great example is when we follow destructive or hurtful patterns handed down to us by our parents, or acquired from our societies at large.

Although we may or not be conscious of this notion, we are constantly affected by it. The good news is that there are many ways and tools we can use to transcend this programming and the resonance it generates for our lives. 

The first step is always to identify it and be aware of it. We must also be willing to change and take a step forward to transcend the programs inside our minds and bodies.

Once we are able to transcend these limiting programs, we can focus on what truly matters, which is to expand our infinite resonance. By overcoming the limiting information we carry within, we can balance our resonance to become our true selfs and the complete potential we have to contribute to the betterment of the world. 

There are many practices that can help us, as well as transitioning tools like courses that can guide our evolution to authenticity and fearlessness. 

The first step in this journey can be to neutralize your Mother Program. In our course, the Crystalline Mother we have helped a large amount of people to work on their Mother Programs to start having a better understanding and relationship with themselves and the world around.

Start your journey now to balance your resonance. The world needs you!

Check out The Crystalline Mother course in the link below: 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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