The Sum of Our Resonances: Individual Work to Crystallize Our World

Have you ever met a person and just felt that you did not like her or him or did not feel at ease near her or him? What about the opposite? Have you met someone who you instantly felt happy and at peace being around?


That is resonance!


Resonance attracts similar things and repels dissimilar things. So we go through life attracting and repelling people, beliefs, and situations.


If through resonance we attract what is similar, this means that we can attract to ourselves...

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Responding Transparently

Do you find yourself reacting unexpectedly to outside triggers with strong emotion and, before you realize it, engaging in conflict?


What if I told you that, without your awareness, you’re actually participating in battles that don’t belong to you? Defending beliefs that aren’t actually yours, making you see enemies in those whose thinking differs from yours? What if I told you that each of your reactions, attitudes, and behaviors are really the emotions of others...

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Consciously Becoming Transparent to Integrate Others’ Perspectives

Let’s have a transparent talk.


I want to share an experience that left me thinking.


In one of the Uber rides I took while visiting Boston, the driver, upon hearing my accent, asked where I was from.


“Venezuela,” I replied.


He turned to me and said, “A lot is happening in Venezuela.”


Yes, these days, Venezuela is in turmoil.


Venezuela, the country where I was born and raised (beyond the patriarchal bias of the society),...

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Exchanging the Addictive Repetitive Mind for a Crystalline One

Many of us may associate addiction with difficult life circumstances—accidents, challenging relationship issues, loss of a job or of someone we care about, to name a few. In spite of the fact that we may have learned to think of addiction as related to external circumstances, in truth, its origin is not outside but, rather, inside each of us.


Although there are many definitions of addiction, for me, it’s reduced to the repetition of patterns of thoughts.


While most...

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Understanding Betrayal through the Crystalline Lens

Betrayal is a subject that many of us fear and associate with the ending of a friendship, a marriage, or affiliation with a group. It is the crumbling of a dream, of an illusion, and it is associated with suffering. According to most, betrayal is one of the worst, most negative experiences you could ever live. In the face of betrayal, you will judge the other, victimize yourself, and support and gravitate toward all the negative thoughts generated by you and others about what the terrible...

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Changing Your Resonance after Divorce Alienation

Today’s letter is for all who have experienced alienation as part of their divorce. By alienation, I am referring to a state or experience of being separated, isolated, and estranged from the affection of your children or from friend groups, family, and step-family you once belonged to and should continue to be involved with. Changing your inner resonance is possible. And so is changing the quality of your reality.


The period surrounding divorce or separation from our partners...

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Turbulence in Our Romantic Relationships: A Pathway to Our Crystal Blueprint

Are you struggling because you split from your partner or because you’re thinking about doing so? Is a recent or past divorce causing you to feel unworthy or incapable of moving forward, uncertain about your future, or simply trapped in the pain of your loss? Whatever the stage or whatever the reason, when a chosen life partner is no longer that person in our lives, suffering is almost inevitably part of the equation. But as strange as it may seem, these painful situations can also...

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Suffering: A Gateway to Crystal Clarity

All of us, in one way or another, have been there. An unexpected situation crosses our path, and we are literally slammed by reality. The situation can have many faces—the death of a loved one, a serious disease, disability, betrayal, divorce, unwanted exile, parental alienation, bankruptcy, war, and natural disaster, to name a few. It may take the form of an emotion or sensation that becomes unmanageable within us—loneliness, frustration, the feeling of disconnection from others,...

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Transcending Our Inner Stories to Resonate with Crystalline Relationships

Believe me when I tell you that our inner stories can alter the course of our lives for better or for worse.


Let me tell you a story about someone I had the opportunity to work with in my one-on-one sessions in Bogotá. Larry was born in Colombia to a wealthy family. Although he never lacked money, he lacked warmth and a loving relationship with his parents, especially his mother.


Don’t get me wrong; his mom was not dead. She just wasn’t there for him or for...

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“Transparentizing” Our Conflicts with Others

For me, life allows us, through different experiences, to recognize our internal contents. The different experiences we have externally with others are mirrors that reflect that we must work on ourselves in order to be more authentic and transparent.


A question I receive often during my crystal sessions is: What can I do to transcend the conflicts in my relationships and improve those relationships?


Recently, I received the following specifics relationships questions in a single...

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Do you know what you are resonating with now?

Start identifying your resonance with our FREE Starters Meditation.