"Transparentizing" Separation: Releasing the Boundaries within Our Minds

Jun 23, 2019

“I am not who you think I am; I am not who I think I am; I am who I think you think I am.”
Charles Horton Cooley, Human Nature and the Social Order


For me, this quote illustrates perfectly the real origin of what most of us think as our individual or collective knowledge, or the information stored within our minds.


Social construct theory centers on the notion that meanings are developed in coordination with others, rather than separately within each individual [1] In other words, what we experience as our meanings and our reality are developed through others, rather than authentically or individually.


The theory explains that humans create constructs to make sense of the objective world. Humankind has been on this planet creating these constructs for at least 200,000 years (though archaeologists digging more ancient sites are pushing the timeline back). For example, early humans adopted various practices to fight events that escaped their understanding and control, such as diseases, natural disasters, and death, that could have given rise to many of the saviors and religions that are known today. Also, the social construct of race might have been originated when people became aware of different skin colors and physical features among human beings.


A social construct is something that exists not in objective reality but as a result of human interaction. It exists because humans agree that it exists.


Additionally, the received and retransmitted information went through the personal stories; religious, political, and economic interests; and filters or “mind programs” of those involved. It’s a bit like playing the broken telephone game, where you whisper information into the ear of the person sitting next to you. The problem is that the original data is completely distorted in the process, with many implications when it comes to effective knowledge sharing and recognizing and trust what the real truth is.


As you see, social constructs include values and beliefs about the construct, and they can be different depending on the society, events, and time they exist in. They’re co-constructed, negotiated, modified, and shifted as they continue through the interactions with others. Thus, knowledge and meanings are not stable, constant, or objective.


This has likely been the origin of many of today’s unquestioned meanings embraced by our nations, cultures, societies, religious and political affiliations, and families. The “reality” we are born into has been embedded into us without our full consent. The meanings we repeat are the result of personal conclusions others arrived at, based first on individual experiences and then by blindly accepting the surrounding group or community agenda and incorporating it as “truth” in their minds. From this place, “Absolute truth” is a byproduct of others minds and not necessarily our authentic truth.


From this place, it’s possible to understand how a once homogeneous group began to divide until separating and differentiating from, discriminating against, and hating each other. The different “truths” that have spread collectively through different groups of people and generations around the world comprise the reality that we all have in our unconscious. The real problem about this is that we are resonating from the inside out and creating this reality.


Our learned meanings push us to focus on our differences instead of what we share. From this limiting point of view, being of a different nationality, religion, culture, or ethnicity is reason enough to judge, hate, hurt, and kill.


Without realizing we are all responsible for the separation that surrounds us.  We are teaching and encouraging separation behaviors from an early age and spreading this through our families —I’ve seen it personally. After my divorce, I was excluded not only from my ex-husband’s family but also when I joined a new relationship and his family. Separation was part of our routine — “my family,” “your family”; “my children,” “your children.” As a result, our offspring referred to “my mother’s family” and “my father’s family.”.


Status, entitlement, self-respect, and other traits are based on the interactions one is involved in and subjected to. In crystal healing sessions, I’ve witnessed how the divisions inside our minds—unconsciously absorbed from others by resonance—are reflected in my clients’ lives. But I also witness people’s ability to tap into their undivided transparent essence through crystal energy vibration.


At a subatomic level, we are interconnected fields of energy. In our true essence, separation doesn’t exist. It’s an illusion created by our mind, by the different meanings we’ve blindly accepted from others and repeated over time.


Those things that have irrefutable meaning were probably born from our relationship with the environment we were exposed to. We live according to the knowledge acquired in our communities—any group we belong to or identify with. We assume the meanings derived in these group as the only truths, without questioning. In this context, it’s challenging to recognize who we really are or to take the initiative to inquire about our true nature.


Keeping things divided or in distinct compartments is separation. People with unconscious borders concentrate on one thing while ignoring everything else. Look at the conflicts in the world, and you’ll see the reflections of all the compartments within our minds.


Imagine what our planet would be like if we “transparentize” or were able to erase the divisions within our mind—integrating ourselves with each other and becoming whole. The great world family would become our primary focus, instead of spreading division and separation.


The properties of crystals known to science can help us transform and transcend the barriers of our mind when we work with them consistently on a daily basis.


For me, true peace comes from the transparency within. If we want to see it reflected in the outer world, it is crucial to vanish the limitations and compartments inherited from others within. And we can do so using crystals as tools!


How about working all together to bring peace from the inside out by choosing to transform our inner contents through crystal energy vibration. Let’s bring peace together to the world now! Spread the word;)

Crystal WORLD!



[1] Leeds-Hurwitz, Wendy (2009). “Social construction of reality.” In Littlejohn, Stephen W., and Foss, Karen A. (eds.). Encyclopedia of communication theory. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, 891.


IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using beatrizsinger.com copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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