Uninstalling the Unfairness Program to Resonate with Justice

Never forget that justice is what love looks like in public.

— Cornel West 


It seems like the world we live in isn't a safe place for everyone. Maybe you were misjudged or treated inequitably due to learned prejudice and the unconscious bias of others. Or perhaps you weren't aware you were the one inflicting injustice due to the injustice program you are resonating with and unconsciously repeating from those you grew up or surrounded yourself with. 

The unanswered need...

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Help Birth a New Humanity: Become Holistically You!

Boundaries are illusions, products not of reality but of the way we map and edit reality.” —Ken Wilber

Some 7.8 billion people inhabit our planet. And by the time you read these lines, there will be more. Six continents, 192 countries, and around 50,000 cities and 2.5 million small towns and villages comprise this word—each divided subsequently into different communities, such as families, religions, cultures, genders, and political inclinations, who share common...

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Balance Your Inner Parents to Attract Inclusivity with Quartz Crystals’ Energy

According to the US Census Bureau, 19.7 million children, nearly a quarter of American children live in father-absent homes. Research shows that, when a child is raised in a father-absent home, he or she can be affected in a number of ways. The child is two times more likely to drop out of school; has a four times greater risk of living in poverty; and is more likely to have behavioral problems, experience abuse and neglect, abuse drugs and alcohol, suffer obesity, and commit crime....

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Finding Harmony Amid Chaos: How Crystals Can Help

“The great thing about showing up for other people is that it doesn’t have to cost a whole lot or anything at all, and it ends up being beneficial to the giver.”

 —Adam Grant, psychologist

A feeling of disconnection has permeated our societies for a long time. When we resonate with disconnection, we lose our sense of interconnectivity and wholeness. Surprisingly, despite how tragically the Coronavirus is affecting the world, collective pain has brought forth a...

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