Vibrating Towards a Better World with Quartz Crystals

Sometimes, we run into situations where people say one thing but do another. This isn’t new; it’s been a problem throughout history. Today, we’re dealing with the consequences. Whether it's leaders who preach unity but end up creating division, religious figures who promote peace but support war, or wellness advocates who only focus on parts instead of the wellbeing of all —the inconsistency is clear. This gap between words and actions has deep roots and broad impacts,...

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The Importance of Resonating with Joy in Times of Adversity

Upon reading the title, many of you might wonder if you have understood it correctly. You might even question how it is possible to feel and think about being happy when there is so much suffering around us or when we are suffering ourselves. It may sound incoherent, but our joy can be crucial in changing the course of any event in our life. 

Finding joy and happiness, even in moments of suffering or adversity, is a deep and meaningful topic. Though it may seem contradictory, many...

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Mindset Matrix Reboot: Neutralizing and Your Life Code Renewal

In our mental landscape, think of your thoughts and actions forming a complex network, much like a computer's "Mental Matrix." Within this intricate system, we encounter limiting mental programs. These are like deeply ingrained code made up of beliefs and behaviors, repeatedly reinforced until they're firmly part of our mental software.

So, where do these mental programs originate? They're usually installed early on, during our childhood, shaped by societal norms, or carved out with the bumps...

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The Power of Conscious Family Systems

A system is a set of interconnected parts that work together to achieve something. These parts can be conceptual, and their interactions can lead to complex behaviors, even if individual parts behave in a simple manner. 

What do systems have in common?

1. Every system is made of parts.

2. The parts inside a system are interconnected - meaning that a change in one part can affect other parts.

3. Systems generally have a purpose or function they aim to achieve. For example, the circulatory...

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Tactics to Transcend Quick Judgements and Expand Our Resonance

There is an significant problem when someone has experienced rejection, judgement and exclusion—be it personal or ancestral— and it is that not only will their resonance will be primed to expect or perceive rejection, but their brain will too.

Constant exposure to judgment and rejection often gets internalized, fostering a mindset that either expects or unconsciously attracts such reactions.

Interestingly, concepts of judgment, rejection, and exclusion tie back to resonance. ...

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Neutrality: The Key to Solving Lifeā€™s Problems

The first thing we need to do before solving a problem is to truly understand what the problem is.

For example, we might find ourselves struggling to maintain a healthy relationship with a family member, spouse, or coworker. We've learned that our problems originate outside of us, in other people or external circumstances. We look to solve our problems outside of us. However, we can't solve our problems unless we find their true origin and nature. If, at the subatomic level, we are...

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Are we AI?

In just over ten years, we've witnessed the rise of the smartphone, the Cloud, and the intelligent world of connected devices. As time passes, there are more and more advances, including the trending topic—Artificial Intelligence. And not precisely because they are new, but because today they have become absolutely necessary in our lives. From "Alexa" to "Siri" to today's ChatGPT, that can harness massive amounts of data to make optimal decisions. AI-powered intelligent assistants are...

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New Year's Resolution: Switching our Resonance from Fear-Based to Neutral

We live today in a fear-based world; consequently, we resonate with fear, and our world takes the form of fear. 

Indeed, we have all experienced fear since our conception—a sequel of our procreators' emotions and thoughts, followed by those of our mothers or whoever replaced them during our journey into this world.  

But the fear does not stop there. As we grow, fear grows with us through those who raise and educate us and through the information we receive during...

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The Neutrality Effect in Your Life

When we learn to perceive the world around us only from one side of the equation, our MindCloud will only resonate with that side — excluding all other information. And we all will be living one limited part of reality instead of the whole.   

Indeed, at this moment, most people living on our planet are blindsided because they resonate on autopilot with one side of the equation, excluding the rest.    

Have you realized all you are excluding right now and...

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Body, Healing & Resonance

Although our bodies physically and at first glance seem to be separated from the bodies of others, their environment, nature, and the planet, they aren't. Our bodies are part of the great network called the Universe. 

Every organ and cell in our body has its own electromagnetic field of information. Nothing happens in the body without an electromagnetic exchange between cells — and there are 70 trillion cells. That's a lot of energy! The body's internal electromagnetic field is...

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Do you know what you are resonating with now?

Start identifying your resonance with our FREE Starters Meditation.