The Power of Conscious Family Systems

Sep 17, 2023

A system is a set of interconnected parts that work together to achieve something. These parts can be conceptual, and their interactions can lead to complex behaviors, even if individual parts behave in a simple manner. 

What do systems have in common?

1. Every system is made of parts.

2. The parts inside a system are interconnected - meaning that a change in one part can affect other parts.

3. Systems generally have a purpose or function they aim to achieve. For example, the circulatory system in humans is designed to transport blood throughout the body.

4. Systems have defined boundaries that are either physical or conceptual and are distinctive.

5. Systems often have inputs —things that go into the system— and outputs—things that come out of the system.  When information is limited and when it is not evolving, it can lead to stagnation.

Generally speaking, systems provide frameworks for understanding and navigating our world. 

Throughout our lives, we encounter a variety of systems — be it in education, religion, business, technology, society, or family.

A Family System refers to the interconnected relationships, dynamics, and roles within a family unit —its not only an interactive and interconnected group (grandparents, parents, children and extended family), it also includes their defined beliefs and behaviors — from the spoken and unspoken information that are defined by their daily routines, interactions, expectations to individual identities, including values, attitudes, understanding of self, ways to deal with life, and boundaries.

Boundaries define the limitations in a family system through the inputs and outputs of information. The inputs are defined through the ways family members interact with others and the world around them (external influences, society, culture, religion, emotions).

On the other hand, outputs are defined by family dynamics, behaviors, decisions, and emotional responses, among others. They can look either like strict rules and limited interactions with the world, or balanced boundaries that promote empathy, cooperation, collaboration, unity, inclusion, compassion, inner peace, and true connection. 

Its important to acknowledge that throughout history, before we had schools, families were the main way we learned stuff. Families were a very powerful system that taught values, traditions, and history. This has been a key way of passing down important knowledge from one generation to the next. Family stories, cultural rites, and inherited values are all testaments to this time-tested mechanism of transferring knowledge. 

The family system is inherently organic - prone to evolve -  in its nature, standing in contrast to more structured systems like that of formal education. While educational curricula are often rigid, prescribed, and less adaptive, family systems evolve and morph based on shared experiences, shifting values, and emerging needs. 

Imagine an ever-evolving curriculum that changes with each generation's challenges and victories. Families, with their fluid boundaries, provide the flexibility for such organic growth, adapting and reshaping with every new member or expanding influence.

Systems, regardless of their nature, have a way of passing through generations, creating legacies and traditions.

In the context of family, grandparents, parents, and siblings play unique roles in this transference. Grandparents provide historical context, parents instill current values and ideologies, while siblings offer peer perspectives, and children transfer this information from one generation to the next.

However, this transfer isn't always good. 

Families can sometimes perpetuate cycles of limiting beliefs and patterns. Conversely, they can also be wellsprings of inspiration, teaching us about resilience, innovation, and love. The key is understanding that we can either remain confined within repetitive systems or break free, embracing growth and expansion.

The cool part? We can choose to keep or neutralize these beliefs.

Family is the first information systematization source in our lives. The systematization of limited information is the matrix of todays problems. The systems we have in place are not necessarily the best.

When we don't work on our Family Systems, we can continue repeating this information that can limit us and keep us imprisoned in our Status Quo.

Our mission as parents is to recognize the limiting systems that we are being passed down to our children, and that are constraining them. We must teach them to neutralize them, and constantly amplify their positive information, their resonance, and connection with the infinite.

That's why it's so important to identify, neutralize, and expand information. Information is directly proportional to our resonance. And our individual resonance is the mirror of our personal reality, the collective, and the reflection of our world.

The influence of the family system resonates deeply within an individual, crafting their worldview, habits, and beliefs. On a grander scale, when individual family units converge, they shape societies and eventually the world. If families consciously align their systems with values of understanding, compassion, and unity, the potential for global harmony becomes conceivable. 

Such alignment requires conscious individual work and a commitment to the betterment of future generations. By fostering peace, love, and respect within our homes, we take the first crucial step towards lasting wellbeing and peace in the world.

Balance your Resonance. The World needs you!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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