New Year's Resolution: Switching our Resonance from Fear-Based to Neutral

Dec 25, 2022

We live today in a fear-based world; consequently, we resonate with fear, and our world takes the form of fear. 

Indeed, we have all experienced fear since our conception—a sequel of our procreators' emotions and thoughts, followed by those of our mothers or whoever replaced them during our journey into this world.  

But the fear does not stop there. As we grow, fear grows with us through those who raise and educate us and through the information we receive during our socialization. Unfortunately, throughout time, fear has become a coercive tool that has the power to influence, intimidate, persuade, control, subjugate and suppress our authentic infinite resonance.   

As a result, many of the decisions we make in life come from fear.  

We follow strict routines, work in abusive environments and in jobs that don't fulfill us, and are consistently fearful of not progressing in life or being devoid of money. We cling to destructive relationships with our partners because we fear being alone.  

From our families to our communities to the news we consume on a daily basis, we blindly follow and repeat what others tell us without question due to fear of rejection, loneliness, illness, scarcity, and separation, among many other factors. 

Without being aware, we make fear-based decisions every day. 

Fear is everywhere and we have been conditioned and programmed to live in fear. 

But what is fear? 

Fear is an energy field of information inside our MindCloud — and it is one of the most destructive ones. It limits and prevents us from resonating with better possibilities, including our best life options. 

The problem is when we are exposed to the same information repeatedly. Repeated information in our mind behaves like a program— accepting on autopilot, the specific information that is encoded and discarding the rest. This prevents us from resonating with new information that can bring us lasting wellbeing. 

Unfortunately, fear can have terrible side effects, including the deterioration of our health. 

Science has proven that we all sub-atomically are mostly energy and that energy can be patterned by outside information. 

Images, sounds, touch, smell, taste —any information we receive through our five senses have the power to pattern our energy, our resonance, and our reality. 

The modern world has accelerated our pace, creating a sense of urgency, leading us to live in a constant fight and flight response mode 

Illnesses are directly related to the fear that we experience every day.  

When in fear, we secrete stress hormones that shut off our immune system. If we live under stress 24/7, we are shutting off our immune system and exposing ourselves to illness.  

Additionally, fear depletes your energy and puts you out of balance. You create a lot of adrenaline that, in turn, causes a lot of inflammation in your body, which is the beginning of most degenerative diseases. 

Fear also makes us resonate with limitation. It leads us to be in negative mode, powerless, unable to learn new things, love, cooperate, connect, and live our best life to resonate with infinity. 

We all have limited fear-based energy fields of information. It's up to us to choose whether to keep reliving the same limited lives, or to work on ourselves to expand the scope of our resonance to live our best possible life. 

In the same way that an energy field of information can make you sick; it can also connect you with your wellbeing and your best life. It all depends on the information you feed yourself with. 

This is what my work is all about. Through mind-blowing information, different practices, and more, I help you neutralize energy fields of information and expand the scope of your resonance to improve your life. 

How about switching your fear-based limited energy field of information for one based on expansion and better options to begin manifesting and living your best possible life in 2023?  

Balance your resonance; the world needs you! 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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