New Information for Our Mind Clouds’ Gender Program

Our perspectives and engagement with the world are formed by the information in our mind cloud. We resonate with that information; and our resonance creates our reality. No wonder, then, that we reject on autopilot—sometimes strongly—information that isn’t in our mind cloud. No wonder that we tend to see those whose realities seem different from our own as “others.” No wonder we feel so divided.

What’s great is that the very same resonance concept means...

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Transcending Exclusion to Create a World that Includes Us All

Two things are true of all of us—without exception. First, human beings are excluding beings. We all exclude what we don’t perceive as “belonging” to us.

Second, that’s not who we are at our baseline. In fact, quite the opposite is true. We are at our core, without exception, interconnected, undivided, inclusive beings. All of us together form an energetic whole.

Our learned exclusion damages not only the collective us but also each of us individually. Exclusion...

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Planting the First Seed: Unification within Our Families

"All problems come from the family."

— Alejandro Jodorowsky


We’re living in times where separation has become an epidemic. Believe it or not, it all started with our families.


Not so much, once we realize that our family came first and taught us everything we know about how to perceive and interact with the world around us. For most, family (or those who replaced them) is the single most important influence in our life. And how can it not be? After all, through...

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Beginning Our Journey from Separation to Togetherness

“All the powers in the universe are already ours. It is we who have put our hands over our eyes.”

 —Frederic W. H. Myers

 Maybe you’re not aware, but at this exact moment, you are living a default life. The repetitive acceptance and rejection of others’ ideas, beliefs, behaviors, and so on have set your resonance on default, just like in a computer program. The problem here is that, on default, we’ll keep running in circles and repeating the same...

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Do you know what you are resonating with now?

Start identifying your resonance with our FREE Starters Meditation.