New Information for Our Mind Clouds’ Gender Program

May 30, 2021

Our perspectives and engagement with the world are formed by the information in our mind cloud. We resonate with that information; and our resonance creates our reality. No wonder, then, that we reject on autopilot—sometimes strongly—information that isn’t in our mind cloud. No wonder that we tend to see those whose realities seem different from our own as “others.” No wonder we feel so divided.

What’s great is that the very same resonance concept means hope for wholeness and inclusiveness. By opening our mind clouds to new information, we can change our resonance and, thus, transform our individual and collective reality.

Take gender. We’re accustomed to declaring our gender on forms with only two binary options—male or female. Today, this is changing, with some forms including options like “other” and “prefer not to say.” If this information isn’t in our mind cloud’s gender program, automatic rejection is the likely result. We may see anything outside the gender dichotomy as, at best, confusing and strange and maybe an insult to the “natural order” or a sign of “political correctness” out of control. What’s wrong with identifying as either male or female? With pink for girls and blue for boys?

If, however, our mind cloud includes information about gender spectra—that alongside the traditional binary gender identities, nonbinary people can identify with a gender other than the sex assigned at birth—we will be able to resonate with a wider range of options and reject less.

This is what happens when we resonate with energy. 

The human electromagnetic energy field, present since our conception, has a torus shape that consists of two vortices. One sucks energy in at the bottom (linked to the feminine, for ancients). The other emits energy at the top (linked to the masculine).

Did you know that stars and planets have an androgynous energy field, very similar to the one we have when we’re conceived? But our androgynous human electromagnetic energy field is split through the equator to form a male electromagnetic energy field from the north (the yang in Chinese traditions) and a female electromagnetic energy field from the south (the yin). The two torus-shaped electromagnetic energy fields spin in opposite directions, inducing magnetic fields with opposite magnetic polarity—this is what makes the attraction possible whatever your polarity. 

If at our baseline we are undivided energy, at our baseline, we all are androgynous. If this is so, could gender be related more to energy than to matter?

What about nature versus nurture? The scientific community once believed a child’s gender identity was determined by upbringing and environment. But this was reinforced by a 1960s case later found to be skewed and biased. The John/Joan case followed twin boys. One—after his external genitalia was damaged during circumcision—was surgically made to appear feminine, received hormones, and was raised as a girl. Years later, he identified himself; a troubled, depressed girl in early life, he’d reassumed his male identity upon learning the truth at age 14 and eventually died by suicide.

More recent research at the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center shows gender identity is almost entirely based on nature (exposure to male hormones and androgens in utero). One study followed fourteen children whose testicles and male hormone levels were normal at birth but who were born without a penis. Twelve were surgically reconstructed to appear female and raised as girls. All are strongly male typical in behaviors, attitudes, friends, and play, and six resumed their male gender identities between the ages of 5 and 12. The two who didn’t undergo sex-reassignment surgeries developed more similarly to their male peers and were more well-adjusted than their reassigned peers. 

Many scientists today believe gender identity can’t be chosen and urge parents to forgo infant sex-reassignment surgeries and let children decide on their own at a later age. 

What about gender throughout history? While for many of us, terms like “gender nonconforming,” “transgender,” “gender nonbinary,” and “transsexual” are new, gender nonconforming isn’t. We find evidence of gender variance across cultures worldwide since ancient times. We find the Hermaphroditus myth in ancient Greece and in priesthoods around the ancient world—Gala in Sumer, Galli (transwomen) in Ancient Greece and Rome. 

Mukhannathun, “ones who resemble women,” was a term used in Arabic to refer to people of ambiguous sex. Hijra in India are eunuchs, intersex, and transgender people. And kathoeys is a Thailand gender identity that describes transgender women or, in some cases, effeminate men. Many Native American tribes refer to the two-spirit people to describe native people in their communities who fulfill a third-gender ceremonial and social role.

And these are just a few examples.

Sadly, a lot of gender spectra information has been excluded from our historical records due to the prevailing ideology and different biases from which the story has been told. 

Do you want to help create a better world for us all? To be part of a collective resonance of inclusion and togetherness? To bring the best of us and join together in overcoming the divide and exclusion in today’s world?

Let’s open our mind clouds to new information. Let’s neutralize what doesn’t serve us and create a new collective resonance of wholeness. The world needs us all!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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