The Importance of Resonating with Joy in Times of Adversity

Upon reading the title, many of you might wonder if you have understood it correctly. You might even question how it is possible to feel and think about being happy when there is so much suffering around us or when we are suffering ourselves. It may sound incoherent, but our joy can be crucial in changing the course of any event in our life. 

Finding joy and happiness, even in moments of suffering or adversity, is a deep and meaningful topic. Though it may seem contradictory, many...

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The Toroidal Field: The Key to Spreading Peace from Home to the World

With all that is happening in today’s world, have you ever wished you were surrounded by a protective shield? Guess what? It's not just wishful thinking; we actually have this protective shield in real life, and it's called Toroidal Field.  

Think of it as a giant energy donut swirling around you, linking you to the entire universe. And there is more, this energy bubble has the ability to connect us all.

From you and me to the stars above, we're all part of this massive...

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The Karmic Backlash of Choosing the Resonance for Others

Have you ever thought you knew what’s best for someone else and tried to make choices for them? While it might come from a place of care, it can unintentionally cause more harm than good to the person you aim to assist. Acting without explicit awareness and the clear consent of another can lead to unforeseen consequences, affecting not just their life trajectory but ours as well.

Unfortunately, many of us fail to realize that we each enter the world with our own preloaded “hard...

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The Power of Conscious Family Systems

A system is a set of interconnected parts that work together to achieve something. These parts can be conceptual, and their interactions can lead to complex behaviors, even if individual parts behave in a simple manner. 

What do systems have in common?

1. Every system is made of parts.

2. The parts inside a system are interconnected - meaning that a change in one part can affect other parts.

3. Systems generally have a purpose or function they aim to achieve. For example, the circulatory...

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The Formula to Resonate with Neutrality

According to Quantum Mechanics, energy can be both a wave and a particle. Believe it or not, it all depends on whether its being observed or not. Through resonance, the act of observation can collapse a wave of energy into a particle of matter.  

This is a big piece of information in understanding the puzzle of how our reality is created. If everything we see as matter is 99.9999999% energy, that means that every nano second we are creating or materializing...

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The Interconnectedness of Resonance

You are more interconnected than you are aware of.

The information inside your mind-cloud results from your interconnection and resonance with the information inside the mind-cloud of others. The interconnection and resonance between your body and your mind result in your emotions, which are also closely related to your health. In fact, stress triggers cortisol, the hormone in charge of suppressing your immune system. Excess of stress prevents the body of fighting infections and other...

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Winning the War through Energy Resonance

Today we are facing discouraging times. It seems as if chaos —imbalance— has taken over the world’s balance. It’s very disheartening to sit and watch atrocity —dissonance— consuming millions of fellow humans. 

Through time and history, we have integrated the information handed over to us by previous generations in our mind clouds. Amidst this information, separation masquerades in the shapes of race, religion, social class, nationality, etc. We have...

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Dream Resonance: The Power House to Resonate with a Better World

Many indigenous cultures share the common knowledge that our reality is created or "woven" through each of our dreams. The elders say that to create and live in a better world, it's necessary to begin dreaming (or resonating) with a better world. But how do our dreams and the dreams we have every night help us create a better world? What are dreams? And what are dreams made of? 

I genuinely believe that every single piece of the reality we live in is created through energy resonance....

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How Mothersā€™ Resonance Shapes Us as Women and Men

“Mother’s love is peace.”

— Erich Fromm

We each enter this world through the portal of our mother. Her body nurtured us, and her mind cloud intertwined with our own—uploading her inner data as ours, before we even left the womb. So, it’s no wonder who we are as women and as men has much to do with the mother program in our mind cloud.

Our mother’s program shapes what it means to us to be women and men; how we identify with those roles; and how we...

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Planting the First Seed: Unification within Our Families

"All problems come from the family."

— Alejandro Jodorowsky


We’re living in times where separation has become an epidemic. Believe it or not, it all started with our families.


Not so much, once we realize that our family came first and taught us everything we know about how to perceive and interact with the world around us. For most, family (or those who replaced them) is the single most important influence in our life. And how can it not be? After all, through...

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