How Mothers’ Resonance Shapes Us as Women and Men

“Mother’s love is peace.”

— Erich Fromm

We each enter this world through the portal of our mother. Her body nurtured us, and her mind cloud intertwined with our own—uploading her inner data as ours, before we even left the womb. So, it’s no wonder who we are as women and as men has much to do with the mother program in our mind cloud.

Our mother’s program shapes what it means to us to be women and men; how we identify with those roles; and how we...

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New Motherhood for a New World

As we continue our lives through this new decade, it’s important that we take notice of the massive technological advancements the world has seen over the last 10 years. Tablets, androids, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, electric cars, and quantum supremacy have become part of our daily lives. The world is changing rapidly right in front of our eyes. And something else is changing in full view too—motherhood, the state of experience, and raising a child.

It’s been...

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