How Mothers’ Resonance Shapes Us as Women and Men

Mar 19, 2021

“Mother’s love is peace.”

— Erich Fromm

We each enter this world through the portal of our mother. Her body nurtured us, and her mind cloud intertwined with our own—uploading her inner data as ours, before we even left the womb. So, it’s no wonder who we are as women and as men has much to do with the mother program in our mind cloud.

Our mother’s program shapes what it means to us to be women and men; how we identify with those roles; and how we interact and engage (or don’t) in relationships with others, as parents, and with ourselves.

If you identify as a woman, think how you first learned about womanhood. Along with genetic material and anatomy, you uploaded much from your mom or whoever took on the role of mother. This includes her ways of thinking, expressing herself, and perceiving; her judgments and opinions; what she appreciates and values; her fears, aversions, and challenges; and how she processes her emotions and deepest wounds.

Because resonance is stronger with commonalities, the mother program is central to a woman’s understanding of herself.

But did you know that, in the womb, the first stage of the embryo is female—and it becomes male later—allowing an energetic resonance between mother and embryo?

If you identify as a man, your conception of manhood is also related to your inner mother program. So are your ideas about women. A mother’s resonance within a man attracts positive or negative experiences with women throughout his life.

It’s important to acknowledge that our mother’s resonance is likely limiting us. 


Well, we’re all unlimited beings; before we were conceived, we resonated with our limitless and neutrality—and with infinite possibilities. When we first received information from our mother through the interconnection between our mind clouds, we received our first limiting bits of data. Our mind cloud’s first layer of programming began to form. And those layers are limited, finite, and not neutral.

As women, we identify with our mothers. We tend to repeat their limitations and patterns. Daughters of divorced mothers often divorce. We work if our mothers worked and don’t if they didn’t. If our mothers’ partners cheated, so do ours. Daughters of controlling mothers are controlling. When moms fight with sisters, daughters fight with each other. Unloving, emotionally unavailable mothers have unloving daughters. And perfectionist mothers have daughters who think they’re so perfect everything that differs from their thinking is wrong—including personal growth.

Women’s resonance is consistently shaped by their mothers’ resonance—in a variety of limiting experiences and limited possibilities. 

The same is true for men. Shortcomings in the upbringing of a boy can negatively affect a man’s resonance.Mothers have a much deeper impact on their sons than we’re aware—affecting boys’ and men’s behavior throughout their lives.

Too often, the ingredients needed for a healthy mother-son bond are missing. Studies show men who lacked in that way can resonate with anger and insecure relationships and that the more loving a mother is, the less likely a boy will be distant or cold. Men missing that bond will resonate with hostility, misogyny, betrayal, and addictions.

Most mothers want what’s best for their children—to shape their children in healthy, fulfilling ways. Unfortunately, no one teaches us how to be mothers. We learn from the models we grew up with, who weren’t taught either. And if a mother hasn’t dealt with her own pain, she’ll download its resonance to her children over generations. 

A sociocultural component plays a role too; mothers and mother-child relationships are shaped by the surrounding collective mind cloud. Restrictive gender roles, unrealized career goals, and the expectation that women should sacrifice their needs to be caregivers shape how women experience the world. Traditional masculinity today includes themes of anti-feminism and homophobia.

So, both men and women suffer. 

There’s hope, though. Remember we’re all naturally whole. We can choose to do the inner work to resonate again with wholeness, unlimited energy, and infinite possibilities.

And we can pass on this resonance to future generations—generations where boys share strong, loving, respectful relationships with their mothers and become men who love and respect women, and their partners, and children and generations where girls learn from their mothers to have strong, loving, and respectful relationships with themselves.

Are you ready to shed the limitations on your resonance? To no longer attract unwanted experiences? To pass on a new resonance? 

As children, we couldn’t do much. But as adults, we can choose to move into the unlimited beings we all are.

Imagine if more boys lived in the care, understanding, and presence of a loving mother. Imagine if more women identified with a mother who modeled how to care for, understand, and be present for herself. 

Through resonance and interconnected mind clouds, we collectively have the opportunity to live in a much more loving and fulfilling world for all of us.

Balance your mind cloud! Resonate with neutrality!

The world needs your limitless resonance!

Infinite love!


IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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