New Leadership: The Fall of The Pedestal

Apr 30, 2023

When we think of the word vulnerability, this is the information that, for most of us, pops into our minds: the condition of being susceptible to harm or danger, the condition of being susceptible to being influenced, a state of being uncertain or unstable, the state of being ill or unhealthy, risk of loss, harm or failure, something that can be exploited by rivals, something at which someone or something is substandard.

But what do all these have in common? Our weaknesses or our inadequacies for the community we belong to.

But what is really vulnerability?

Without exception, we all have integrated information inside our MindClouds while growing up. This repetitive information we receive from our immediate environment plays an essential role in creating our personalities. What we believe and don't believe, how we act and react, and what we accept and neglect. The repetitive information we have been receiving since childhood will become a program with our name, which we automatically respond to.

In this way, our vulnerabilities become the repetitive information we resonate with and don't resonate with as well.

For example, if you grew up in "planet boys" — a close environment surrounded only by boys— your life will revolve around boys —including your affections. Excluding the rest and what is "normal" for other people.

Let's take another example. If you were a spoiled child, who never got the word NO for an answer, you won't be able to accept the word NO, and you most likely do anything you want, including actions that can hurt other people to get what you want.

Or how about the child that grew deprived of financial resources while surrounded by people with money, resulting in resentment and scarcity (not only material but mental)? 

The problem is that when you resonate with repeating information, you lack other information. One way or another, we all are imperfect because we accept and reject information on autopilot according to the information we have been programmed with while growing up.

Leaders are not exempt. Leaders resonate with inner information that will be passed on to the collective, which, ultimately, they will mirror.

What the examples above really teach us are: 

  1. We all resonate with the information we have grown with in our respective environments and are biased in some way or another. 
  2. If each of us somewhat excludes the information we don't resonate with or didn't grow up with (parenting matters!). And we are creating reality through resonance —leadership should not rely only upon one person.
  3. We all need to outgrow our limited information to resonate with more information —to include more and exclude less.
  4. If we all create our reality, leadership should be collective. But for that, we all first need to neutralize our MindClouds.

Until now, we have bought the idea that leaders must be perfect and that leadership must rest upon one person. The problem is that when power falls on a single person, we are resonating with a single vision or perspective of the world, determined by their personal experiences - which do not represent the vision of the whole but a part of the whole. It will not represent the collective. It will still exclude people who don't resonate with this information.

In today's world, the vulnerability of a leader can cause them to lose their image in front of others and everything this entails, such as losing the respect of others, social exclusion, losing their assets, and more.

But vulnerability is also an asset; it opens space to analysis, growth, and expanding our resonance.

Instead of blindly judging others and excluding them, I invite you from now on to put yourself in others' shoes and ask yourself: what information are your leaders resonating with? And take this as an example to expand your own resonance.

The key to becoming a good leader is not perfection but growth. 

It's time to expand our resonance —individually and collectively— to improve our leadership and the resonance of the world! 

Balance your resonance; the world needs you!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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