Embracing the New Field of Information to Catalyze Global Healing

Aug 06, 2023

Albert Einstein, the pioneering physicist, once declared: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” This isn’t merely wisdom — he provided a tool to navigate the challenges we face today.

In the realm of physics, it’s an established fact that on a subatomic level, we are primarily composed of energy. This truth applies to everything in the universe, including us. In fact, Einstein’s famous equation E=mc^2 emphasizes the equivalence of mass and energy.

However, when it comes to healing and medicine, energy-focused practices are not widely accepted by mainstream scientific and medical communities—even though many people report healing experiences or improvements using such methods.

Our world is changing rapidly. Every day, new information emerges that could help us solve health problems and global issues.

Numerous theories in physics and quantum mechanics show that our physical world, at a subatomic level, is fundamentally energy. In fact, everything we perceive and touch, which we perceive as solid matter is, in reality, energy.

Think of our bodies like car engines. Just like a car needs fuel to run, we require energy to function.  A drop in our energy levels can impact our health, affecting everything from blood flow and heartbeat, to muscle movements and the firing of neurons in our brains.

Stress, for instance, triggers a fight-or-flight response that can significantly drain our energy reserves. Over time, chronic stress or diminished energy flow can lead to high blood pressure, diabetes, anxiety, and more.

Remarkably, our bodies generate electromagnetic energy. This phenomenon is observable in every cell—from the neurons in our brains to the sinoatrial cells in our hearts. These special cells contract the heart and pum blood throughout the body, sustaining life.

What’s more, similar types of cells exist in other parts of our bodies, each capable of generating and conducting electrical signals. Neurons in the nervous system, for example, transmit information throughout our bodies using these electrical signals.

Every thought we have represents a unique configuration of these electrical signals through our brains.

Did you know that our thoughts and beliefs that create our perceptions form through repeated neuron interactions? And that if these interactions cease, they can fade away? This is why memory loss is often linked to decreased neuron interaction.

Given the integral role of energy in our health, isn’t it time we started seeing our bodies and our health through the lens of energy, rather than just matter?

The Second Law of Thermodynamics also indicates a constant energy flow is needed to maintain balance.

Quantum Mechanics introduces a concept called quantum entanglement, suggesting that particles remain connected. This connection extends to the energy inside us and around us —our thoughts and the world we live in.

When our thoughts entangle with the energy of our environment, we create our individual reality through resonance. When we collectively entangle our energies, we co-create our shared world.

Energy and the information within it truly matter. That is why we need to become aware of our energy, consciously choose our information, and use this understanding to co-create a better reality together.

With this insight, I’ve developed a unique method that focuses on our energy and information, aiming to bring healing to both ourselves and the world. 

Its time to embrace energy as the new frontier of information, to catalyze healing for ourselves and our world. 

Balance your resonance; the world needs you!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using beatrizsinger.com copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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