New Leadership: The Fall of The Pedestal

When we think of the word vulnerability, this is the information that, for most of us, pops into our minds: the condition of being susceptible to harm or danger, the condition of being susceptible to being influenced, a state of being uncertain or unstable, the state of being ill or unhealthy, risk of loss, harm or failure, something that can be exploited by rivals, something at which someone or something is substandard.

But what do all these have in common? Our weaknesses or our inadequacies...

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Are You Brainwashed?

Have you ever wondered what stuff our material reality is made of? What’s behind each of our behaviors, each of our thoughts, relationships, experiences, and the choices we make every day? What's behind each bit of our personal and collective reality and most cherished dreams?

 Aware or not, we all have learned to think and act in specific ways. As individuals, we all have different approaches to deal with our reality, our emotions, experiences, relationships, work, abundance,...

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