Evolving from Separation to Togetherness: Transcending Our Family Programs

The view that the universe is deeply interconnected has been held since ancient times. Today, science proves what ancients knew long ago—that we live in an interconnected universe in which all interconnected parts affect the whole and vice versa. However, most of us either don’t know or don’t seem to be aware of this, perhaps because we can’t perceive it.

We believe everything is separate. And this has to do mainly with the perception we have integrated from our family...

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The World Needs Your Authenticity Now!

“In the global society we live in today, we are interdependent — we all depend on each other. Therefore, it is no longer appropriate to divide the world into ‘us’ and ‘them.’ We need to think of everyone belonging to one humanity.”

— His Holiness the Dalai Lama


In today’s world, it can feel like everywhere we look we find disharmony and uneasiness. We may disapprove of the friction, words, attitude, and divisiveness of what people...

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