We Are Living Crystals

Oct 30, 2022

In a world where we have learned to identify ourselves with everything that surrounds us, it isnt surprising that we identify ourselves mostly with our physical body. However, our bodies are way more than mere bones, muscles, skin, and everything that is visible to our eyes.   

We are made up of 7 octillions of atoms - at a subatomic level, we are energy. If we are mostly energy, then we might ask ourselves, what conducts this energy inside our bodies? 

To understand how our bodies conduct energy, we can use our electronic devices as references. In the same way that computers conduct energy through crystalline solids (semiconductors), our bodies do so as well.  

Although it may seem incredible, our bodies work thanks to crystalline structures.  

If our bodies use crystalline structures to conduct electricity, which are the crystalline structures in our bodies?  

There are 37.2 trillion cells in our bodies and each cell has a protein membrane that acts like a crystal. They can read vibrational fields such as light, sound, and radio frequencies. 

Crystalline structures within our bodies pass energy along with information. From the entire universe to our cells, we are vibrating transparent energy fields of information. The specific information within each organ’s energy field is what allows our heart to be different from our brain, lungs, or any other organ. 

Electricity conducted by the crystalline structures within our neurons is what allows our neurons to communicate and for our brain to work properly. 

Just as a crystal oscillator uses a vibrating crystal to create a signal with a precise frequency, our bodies’ inner crystalline structures also aid in the transmission and reception of electromagnetic energy within and outside our bodies. 

Membrane proteins in each cell are antennas that respond to our environment, as they can read vibrational energy fields such as light, sound, and radio frequencies—and also our mind. That is why the transmission of information between the electromagnetic energy field of our minds and bodies can affect our health. If our thoughts are limited, our health is limited, but if they are neutral we can live in optimal continuous health. 

Many of our bodies’ physiological functions depend on electricity. The electricity conducted by the crystalline structures within our bodies is what makes them work properly. 

Besides our cells, the body also has many other crystalline structures.  

One of the most important crystalline structures is myoglobin, that is related to the electricity of the heart and allows the muscles of the myocardium to expand and contract and, in this way, pump blood throughout the entire body. 

We are crystalline energy beings, that is why quartz crystals resonate with our body, emotions and mind. They can transform, balance, and amplify our energy.  

To learn more about all the crystalline structures in our body, and the impact they have in our lives, I invite you to read the award-winning Hay House published book, The Crystal Blueprint by Beatriz Singer.  

Visit beatrizsinger.com for more. 

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IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using beatrizsinger.com copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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