Are You Brainwashed?

Apr 02, 2023

Have you ever wondered what stuff our material reality is made of? What’s behind each of our behaviors, each of our thoughts, relationships, experiences, and the choices we make every day? What's behind each bit of our personal and collective reality and most cherished dreams?

 Aware or not, we all have learned to think and act in specific ways. As individuals, we all have different approaches to deal with our reality, our emotions, experiences, relationships, work, abundance, inner and outer peace, and relating to the world. 

And although they may seem different, they have something in common. We have learn to perceive that they originate in "matter" and are created from our interactions with the outside world.

What if I told you, this is not the way it is? That the reality you live every day is not created neither from matter nor the outside; it's created from the inside-out and is a mixture of energy and information.

Indeed, you will also be surprised that you are neither in charge of creating your own reality — as others not only are taking the decisions for you, but actually creating it for you.


From your emotions, your experiences, reactions, habits, thoughts, to your relationships, career, work, what you accept and reject, and your most cherished dreams. 

Everything, absolutely everything, is chosen by others, not by you. 

So, who exactly is choosing for you? And why?

The explanation is closely related to the Cloud and how our modern technology access data.

Today we know that “The Cloud” is a virtual space that allows us to store and retrieve data from our modern devices.

In the same way, data is not confined to the hardware of a computer, our memories or data are not confined to our brains and bodies. They are stored in our MindCloud. 

And just as modern technology runs through programs that are configured from stored data, so do we. Our memories are the programs that runs not only our personal lives but our collective ones. 

The reality we live every day originates from our resonance with each bit of information stored in our personal MindCloud, received from surrounding MindClouds including the information of our ancestors that run through the data bases of every human being.

We are able to perform each task every day thanks to our memory - information recorded or programmed within our electromagnetic energy field. Today we know that energy shapes matter through its different frequencies.

The problem with our programs is that once a program has become part of our operating system, it operates on autopilot—accepting by default existing information and rejecting non-existent information. 

In this way, our programs dictate the reality we live in and experience every day.

Did you know that our unconscious programs operate 95% of our lives? And that 60% of our programs are negative.

We are actually running our programs since we are 7 years old, because infants under this age are in a hypnagogic state, continuously downloading information from their surroundings. 

What you call reality, is all the information you collected from your biological parents or those who raised you. Your religion or philosophy, your educators, your friends, your gender, your ethnic group, your culture, your profession or occupation, the media you are constantly exposed to, the community and society you belong to, your nationality, your species, and so on.

Your MindCloud, the energy field of information in your mind, stores all this information, resonates with this information and materializes the reality you live every single day of your life. That’s why many people refer to our reality as a “Simulation” or a simulated reality. 

The different programs operating within our minds have not allowed us to realize that our reality is managed by everyone else except us.

From this place, you are not choosing your behaviors; you are not choosing your beliefs, you are not choosing your relationships, you are not choosing your career, you are not choosing your religion, your nationality, you're not choosing your food, and none of what you think are your choices.

The problem is that on autopilot, you will continuously replicate the beliefs and behaviors of those whose information you were exposed to the most, from your parents, family, peers, schoolmates, co-workers, or acquaintances.

Not in vain, there is a Spanish saying that goes: "Tell me who you are with, and I will tell you who you are.” And some ancient philosophies, would recommend others to surround themselves only with people that expanded their MindClouds, not around those that would limit them. 

Unfortunately, none of us had the privilege of choosing the information we want to resonate with, nor to create the reality we dream of.

The problem with this program is that it has been operating on automatic pilot for so long, for so many generations, that we don't even realize that we are under the spell of a program. That is why most of us don't notice that our lives don’t belong to us and that are run on autopilot.

The problem when we are not aware of this, and don't take action, is that we also become part of the problem. Through resonance, we will replicate the program that future generations will resonate with and subsequently recreate— our future generations will remain stuck and will also be prisoners of this resonance. 

Additionally, not resonating with expansion—has many implications in different aspects of our life. Infinity is our natural state of well-being. Moving away from infinity directs us to only resonating with restrictions and imbalances and a limited life.

Do you want to keep living such a life? Is this is the legacy you want to leave to future generations? 

Now you realize why creating the reality we long for from limited energy fields of information is impossible if you don't engage in personal conscious work. 

To live our best lives and restore our original infinite resonance and regain the power as creators of our reality, we must replace the belief that "our reality is created from matter and the outside" with "our reality is created from the inside and with energy." 

If brainwashing means adopting others' beliefs systematically, we are all brainwashed until we choose to reset our MindClouds. 

If you are not living your dreams right now, it’s time to become aware that you are operating from the limiting resonance created by others.

I'm here to tell you that although you have been brainwashed to believe and create the limiting reality you are living right now, you can restore your baseline information-less energy to resonate with infinity.

It's time to create your Own Dream Life.

Balance your resonance; the world needs you!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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