Growing Out of Our World Crisis Using Quartz Crystals as Tools

“It is essential to release humanity from the false fixations of yesterday, which seem now to bind it to a rationale of action leading only to extinction.”

—Buckminster Fuller,
Synergetics: Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking?


Archaic rites of initiation were known to be part of ancient cultures. Rebirthing rituals still exist among indigenous peoples around the world. Through these rituals, participants die to childhood or learned old ways and are reborn into...

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Staying Healthy Using Crystals as Tools

Did you know that each of you is a walking iCloud that originated with 700 trillion volts of electricity to the 50 trillion cells that comprise your body and brain? And did you know that what you have learned to perceive as your reality and is recorded in your iCloud controls your cells? Your perception is the information you are resonating with and attracting to you, not only as the life you lead but also as your health. Your mind is the primary cause of imbalance or disease in your body....

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