“Transparentizing” Our Conflicts with Others

For me, life allows us, through different experiences, to recognize our internal contents. The different experiences we have externally with others are mirrors that reflect that we must work on ourselves in order to be more authentic and transparent.


A question I receive often during my crystal sessions is: What can I do to transcend the conflicts in my relationships and improve those relationships?


Recently, I received the following specifics relationships questions in a single...

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Be Transparent: Expand Your Options by Clearing Away Your Biases

Recently, I decided to have a mindful experience with my quartz crystal. I just wanted to become aware of all the information out there that my unconscious was exposed to without my awareness. It just so happened that, at the time, I was traveling from Santa Barbara, CA, to San Francisco.


During my Uber ride to the airport, the radio played in the background, like a low whisper accompanying me on my way. I was able to listen to the radio and caught a variety of programs, from political...

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The Transparent Side of Reality: Why Heal through Energy Vibrations?


Although we are not always aware of it, we live immersed within an ocean of vibrating energy.


In 1922, Niels Bohr, who received the Nobel Prize in physics for his contributions to our understanding of atomic structure, announced to the world that the atom, the basic unit of matter, is mostly empty space filled with energy. Today we know that solid matter around us is 99.999 percent space and mostly energy. This applies to everything from galaxies, stars, and planets to the body,...

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