“Transparentizing” Our Conflicts with Others

Feb 19, 2019

For me, life allows us, through different experiences, to recognize our internal contents. The different experiences we have externally with others are mirrors that reflect that we must work on ourselves in order to be more authentic and transparent.


A question I receive often during my crystal sessions is: What can I do to transcend the conflicts in my relationships and improve those relationships?


Recently, I received the following specifics relationships questions in a single week: How can I, as a mother-in-law, improve my difficult relationship with my daughter-in-law? As a stepmother, how can someone mitigate her ongoing friction with her stepdaughter? How can an ex-husband alleviate his conflicts with his ex-wife?


There is a short answer to each of these questions: All of us who hope to improve our relationships with others can “transparentize” our internal mind programming.


As human beings, we process everything through the mind. In The Crystal Blueprint, I talk about how the mind is actually an energetic field that surrounds our brain. It operates similarly to an electronic device receiving and sending electromagnetic signals that originated in the electrical signals of the neurons and crystal microtubules of our brain.


In this energetic field lives all the information we have received from our surroundings, from the moment we were in our mothers’ wombs. This conglomeration of information—this programing—conditions or predisposes us to all the behaviors and attitudes we assume and act out in our lives.


For example, let’s say a daughter-in-law was raised in an environment where her parents or friends tended to judge, victimize, and make others responsible for their problems, instead of reconciling and seeking dialogue or a common ground to resolve conflicts. By resonance, by the information that the daughter-in-law contains inside, she will perpetuate conflicts.


When someone has in his or her hard drive certain information, the real problem becomes that the mind will tend to reject everything that does not match this internal programming. This makes the process of making conscious choices to transform these repeating behaviors difficult; and it turns the repetitive actions that hamper the person’s relationships into a vicious cycle. The person will continue repeating the attitudes and behaviors, as a response to certain stimuli—in this case, the mother-in-law—in the same way her or his parents or models from which she or he absorbed these attitudes and behaviors during childhood did. Only by making conscious choices can we “transparentize” our minds—consciously remove from our internal programming information from others. Until this happens, the vicious cycle will continue.


The same goes for the stepdaughter and the ex-husband.


The sad thing is that, no matter how much you seek to dialogue or negotiate with a person with whom you’re in perpetual conflict whose mind has been programmed with others’ information, there can be no real solution so long as the conflict continues to live in the mind of the person. He or she will reject the possibility of any improvement, and his or her internal programming will perpetuate the conflict. The person’s reality is tinged by his or her resonance to the information inside acquired from others. He or she is living others stories’ instead of her or his authentic one. Consider someone wearing tinted sunglasses; as long as the person is wearing the colored sunglasses, he or she will see everything through the lens of that color.


But how can we solve this ongoing situation? How can the mother-in-law improve her relationship with her daughter-in-law? How can the stepmother have a better relationship with her stepdaughter and the ex-husband soothe the tension between him and his ex-wife?


The ideal solution would be for each party involved in the difficult relationship to “transparentize” his or her internal information using quartz crystals as tools.


At the subatomic level, we are all interconnected energy fields. The information of others affects us, and we affect their energy. We cannot convince others to do their internal work. But we can start doing our own work—we can work toward transparentizing our internal contents.


Quartz crystals, due to their properties, can transform, balance, and amplify energy. As we are all part of the interconnected energy field, when we assume responsibility for our internal work, with discipline and perseverance, we can transform not only ourselves but also our environments. The waves in the ocean are perceptible waves. When waves persistently collide with rocks, they transform them, changing their forms. In the same way, transformations happen in the invisible world when we work with crystals internally.


Crystals can transparentize the information in the energy field of your brain, allowing it to resonate with transparency—with your full potential; with infinite possibilities that may include love and compassion; and with openness instead of hatred, resentment, and remaining closed.


By doing our work consciously with discipline, we can transform our lives and our worlds. Imagine if each one of us committed ourselves to doing this work and transparentized our inner information. We would surely live in a better world!


Mother-in-law, stepmother, ex-husband, and everyone else, what are you waiting for? It’s time to take responsibility and transparentize our inner stories using quartz crystals as tools. 

Crystal LOVE!



IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using beatrizsinger.com copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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