Embracing the New Field of Information to Catalyze Global Healing

Albert Einstein, the pioneering physicist, once declared: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” This isn’t merely wisdom — he provided a tool to navigate the challenges we face today.

In the realm of physics, it’s an established fact that on a subatomic level, we are primarily composed of energy. This truth applies to everything in the universe, including us. In fact, Einstein’s famous equation E=mc^2 emphasizes...

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Improve Global Resonance Today: Walk Your Talk!

Inconsistency refers to when our thoughts, ideas, actions, or words lack logic or consistency. An idea or action can feel inconsistent when we don’t walk our talk.

For example, if we’re striving and constantly promote to save our world, every action of ours should be working towards the welfare of every single being equally. And by “world,” I mean every single being that inhabits Planet Earth, not just those we are comfortable with. From each family member, to each...

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Neutrality: The Key to Solving Life’s Problems

The first thing we need to do before solving a problem is to truly understand what the problem is.

For example, we might find ourselves struggling to maintain a healthy relationship with a family member, spouse, or coworker. We've learned that our problems originate outside of us, in other people or external circumstances. We look to solve our problems outside of us. However, we can't solve our problems unless we find their true origin and nature. If, at the subatomic level, we are...

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Our Heart: Our Inner Hub for Resonating with Infinity

The heart has often been associated with love, affection, compassion, and empathy. Ancient traditions often regard it as the center of our being or spirit. From a biological perspective, the heart is vital in sustaining our life and overall health. However, the heart is not just a mere pump; it possesses a complex electrical system that enables its effective functioning. This electrical system generates an electromagnetic field, which can be measured beyond the confines of our bodies.


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Cracking the Code of Rejection to Bring Lasting Peace to The World

In today's world, we face a growing daily challenge: the widespread rejection mindset. It seems as if rejection has become a trend. We reject people, communities, ideas, new approaches, and more. The problem is, in doing so, we discard information - the raw material from which our resonance and dissonance are made, and the origin of both acceptance and rejection.

Rejection is a psychological and social phenomenon that involves the experience of being excluded, dismissed, or turned down by...

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Unleashing the Power Within: Transforming Your Reality Through Conscious Information and Resonance

While the phrase “controlling the minds of men” may sound like a concept from a work of science fiction, it is dishearteningly real. In the 1950s, drawing inspiration from Nazi experiments, the CIA embarked on mind control programs aimed at altering human thoughts and behaviors. It was within this context that Project MKUltra emerged with the primary goal of harnessing the potential of the human mind.

John Mark’s book, “The Search for the Manchurian Candidate: The CIA...

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Divorce: The Cradle of Lasting Separation or Connection? You choose!

Without exception, we are all programmed by external repetitive information. Any experience repeatedly lived for an extended period can program our MindClouds — to accept the programmed data and reject the absent one.

According to quantum physics, we are all interconnected energy, meaning that information travels through energy and has the ability to reprogram us. Being this so, the collective wellbeing is constantly threatened by each of the personal experiences we live that limit our...

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New Leadership: The Fall of The Pedestal

When we think of the word vulnerability, this is the information that, for most of us, pops into our minds: the condition of being susceptible to harm or danger, the condition of being susceptible to being influenced, a state of being uncertain or unstable, the state of being ill or unhealthy, risk of loss, harm or failure, something that can be exploited by rivals, something at which someone or something is substandard.

But what do all these have in common? Our weaknesses or our inadequacies...

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We Are Much More Than Our Families

In the same way a computer cannot work without a program or coded information, neither can we. Indeed, our reality is the by-product of all information, past and present, we’ve been and are repeatedly exposed to.

According to Quantum Mechanics, instantaneous connections between energy particles continue beyond time and space. Even though we have learned to believe that some situations belong and happened in the past; they really are happening now — in the...

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Are You Brainwashed?

Have you ever wondered what stuff our material reality is made of? What’s behind each of our behaviors, each of our thoughts, relationships, experiences, and the choices we make every day? What's behind each bit of our personal and collective reality and most cherished dreams?

 Aware or not, we all have learned to think and act in specific ways. As individuals, we all have different approaches to deal with our reality, our emotions, experiences, relationships, work, abundance,...

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