Responding Transparently

Apr 14, 2019

Do you find yourself reacting unexpectedly to outside triggers with strong emotion and, before you realize it, engaging in conflict?


What if I told you that, without your awareness, you’re actually participating in battles that don’t belong to you? Defending beliefs that aren’t actually yours, making you see enemies in those whose thinking differs from yours? What if I told you that each of your reactions, attitudes, and behaviors are really the emotions of others that were planted in your minds as seeds without your full consent or awareness? Sadly, information that is not our own creates ongoing cycles of conflict in our lives that seem to have no solution.


Maybe you do not know this, but every conflict that you live, every reaction you experience originates inside, and not outside as most of us have learned. Our reality as we know it is the reflection of all of our internal content. That content is comprised of all that we have integrated (without our full awareness) from third parties and from the surroundings we identify with and construct our reality on. But we also contain within us our original content, that which truly belongs to us—free from the contamination of others—where our unique crystal blueprint lies.


The content that we have integrated becomes the master program through which we accept and reject information, as well as the main source of conflicts in our lives. On the contrary, our crystal blueprint is unbiased, pristine information, free from the stories of others that we’ve learned to identify with and allowed to create our realities. Our crystal blueprint enables us to consciously respond, instead of reacting impulsively.


Uncovering who we really are—beyond what the internal programming of others would have us believe we are—helps us stand for what truly resonates with us in a calm, transparent way. Instead of arguing for beliefs that don’t belong to us or reacting in ways that make us feel out of control, we put our energy toward resonating with our authentic selves and responding to and engaging with others from our truest resonance. In this way, we respond instead of reacting and interconnect instead of separating.


By connecting to our crystal blueprint, we avoid distancing ourselves and making enemies of those who think or believe differently from us.


Generally, conflicts or actions we later regret are connected to the contents of our minds that we have absorbed from others on an unconscious level.  Our unconscious not only stores our memories and beliefs and all we’ve learned from our environments and families, cultures and societies, and various identity groups; it also contains all sorts of unbalanced emotions. Our troubled attitudes and behaviors are also learned. These all emerge from our unconscious and, when repeated again and again, become patterns that resonate and create our reality—creating endless suffering in our lives.


Let’s say, for example, that you typically choose to get out of control and yell at people when you become angry. It’s obvious that this behavior does not come from your crystal blueprint. Perhaps you’re unaware that you are repeating a pattern you learned during your childhood from your mother or father.


By becoming aware of the true origins of our reactions and working consciously, we can change these patterns to create new responses and, along with them, new resonance and reality.


One of the best ways of uncovering our internal contents and transforming them is by consciously working on ourselves through crystal energy vibration. The properties of crystals allow us to explore our stories in depth. They enable us to become aware of the roots of our contents in order to transcend them. And each further exploration will give us increased access to our original information.


Using crystals as tools, we can explore what we have stored in our unconscious and decide what truly belongs to us. Consciously questioning ourselves is a strategy that can help us embrace what resonates with our unique crystal blueprint and discard what doesn’t resonate. Self-observation, of both what triggers us into conflict or into reactions that feel out of our control and what beliefs or learned behaviors are behind those reactions, is a key to dissolving this pattern.


Patterns that repeat themselves in our lives gain strength every time we repeat them. What would happen if, every time a pattern appeared, instead of reacting in the same manner we always have, we consciously chose to alter this pattern, weakening it until it disappears? What if, instead of reacting outward, we first looked inward—to uncover the real source of our conflict—and chose to consciously transcend it?


Here’s a simple way you can put this into practice in your daily life. Whenever you react, become aware and stop.


If the emotion clouds your discernment and does not allow you to act calmly, it is better that you retire and continue the conversation when you are in a better place. When the emotionality has passed, try to recognize who in your history reacted in the same way. Commit to working with crystals daily until you can transcend this part of your story.


But if you feel you can continue with the conversation, recognize the pattern, bring it to your conscious awareness, and take three deep breaths through your nose. This is new information that can help alter the pattern and can help you, in the process, to deactivate it.


Working on yourself with crystals, you can consider a different option when faced with a situation that triggers anger or discomfort—an option that will allow you to find what does resonate with your internal blueprint. Withdraw from the conflict. Use it as an opportunity to focus on uncovering your crystalline self. The more you make this choice, the more patterns that don’t belong to you, such as reacting, will dissolve.


In my work, patterns are really doorways. They can guide us in the rediscovery of our transparent selves and lead to transforming not only ourselves but also our external realities. Situations that impact us emotionally and trigger us are gateways to our unconscious. Through our work with crystals, we can use these gates to affirm what we resonate with and discard what isn’t authentic to us.


Rather than choosing to jump into “battle” without much thought, we can focus on returning to our crystalline self.

Crystal LOVE!



IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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