The Wisdom of the Center: Not Taking Sides

Dec 10, 2023

From generation to generation, we have learned information that has transformed into beliefs, polarizing the world into believers and non-believers. The history of humanity is both a witness and a victim of this phenomenon. In the name of deeply held beliefs, many civilizations have been decimated, with some even disappearing entirely from the Earth. 

Followers of different religions have been both victims and perpetrators in the name of their faith throughout the ages. Nations have started wars, have treated others unjustly and inhumanely, annihilating countless individuals to expand their power or mental supremacy. Cultures and races have been deprived of their autonomy and freedom by others in the name of their polarized, exclusive, limited MindClouds. 

Sadly, instead of learning from our past, we continue to repeat and perpetuate it, further dividing ourselves through all the identities we have learned from others and associated with, be it family, gender, religion, race, science, economics, culture, politics, nation, or species. 

Each division outside is a division inside our MindCloud, that through resonance propagates like a virus, separating us and alienating us more. But I have news for you, if we want to break away from the cycle of division and separation, the solutions are not found in the parts or extremes as we have learned to believe for generations. The solution lies at the center.

We have seen many examples throughout our history.

The Roman Empire, extending from Northern Europe to the Middle East, often resulted in the destruction, suppression or assimilation of local societies, traditions and belief systems. In places like Alexandria, renowned for its great library and centers of learning, Roman influence significantly altered millennia of wisdom from ancient civilizations.

The Crusades and the rise of Christianity dramatically reshaped the religious landscape, deepening the divide between Christians and Muslims, and often leading to persecution of Pagans and Jewish communities. Even different religious groups, across various contexts and historical periods have targeted other groups or individuals based on religious, ideological, or ethnic differences.

Under Nazi rule, several communities and groups were targeted, including: Jewish people, black people, homosexuals, disabled individuals and many other groups.

Communism and capitalism target several groups based on political, economic, or ideological grounds that may include religious groups, landowners, and wealthy classes, entrepreneurs, intellectuals and even ethnic minorities.

Even science excludes. Ancestral, spiritual, and holistic practices or beliefs that do not adhere to scientific methods are usually dismissed.

With so much evidence throughout human history, it seems that we are not safe on any side or part. Since this is the case, it is possible to find a safe haven at the center.

Curiously, mystics of all eras have referred to the center of our being as the place where we can reach serenity and stability.

From Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and even Aristotelian Ethics, many ancient philosophies advocate for “living at the center” —away from the extremes— as a pathway to living our lives in harmony and peace.

In many spiritual traditions, the heart is seen as our center, representing the balanced state of being and a place beyond polarized thinking. Practices like meditation and pranayama, guide us to find peace in the space between thoughts and breaths. This space is a neutral zone free from mental chatter where we can resonate with new possibilities. Even practicing compassion can connect us more and foster our sense of inner peace and balance.

Ancient cultures and disciplines have long recognized the importance of balance, neutrality, and centeredness as pathways to harmony and peace, both within individuals and in the world at large. Today, science also recognizes balance. Quantum mechanics describes zero-point energy as a state of pure balance and potential.

The geometric structure of quartz crystal, used in technology for frequency stabilization, is a testament to the power of balance and of how we can connect with our center.

Just as the eye of a hurricane, a calm center amid the storm, is often used as a metaphor for finding solace in chaos, quartz crystals combined with different ancient practices can help us connect with stability in these turbulent times.

Our history and past experiences reveal that the path to harmony lies not in the extremes but in the equilibrium of the center. It doesn’t matter which side you are on. Now, it’s your turn to embark on this transformative journey. To embrace the space between your thoughts, between your breath, and the quiet within the storm. To practice compassion, delve into meditation and explore the stabilizing influence of quartz. Let this guide you toward the center for profound balance.

In a world with so much division and conflict, your journey to the center is a catalyst for change. By finding your center, you bring out the best of what humanity offers. It’s time to step into the eye of the storm. Begin now!

To learn in-depth, about the whys and hows of living a balanced life through crystal energy vibrations, I invite you to explore The Crystal Blueprint, my award-winning work published by Hay House. 

Stay tuned for upcoming content! We are introducing practical methods to live in and remain at the center using ancestral practices and the power of quartz crystals.

Balance Your Resonance; The World Needs You! 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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