The Quantum Mind: Shaping our Perception and Reality through the Crystal Brain

Nov 26, 2023

In some philosophical and spiritual traditions, such as Buddhism and Hinduism, external reality is somehow a manifestation or reflection of the internal reality or consciousness.

But what really is consciousness?

In simple terms, according to what neuroscience understands, consciousness arises from the brain’s consistent neural activity, which involves integrating information from our daily experiences. These processes underlie our ability to make decisions and experience emotions. 

However, Quantum theories add a whole new layer to how we might understand consciousness. Physicist Roger Penrose and anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff came up with a theory that mixes Quantum Mechanics (a branch of physics that deals with tiny particles) with the ways in which our brain works. Tiny quantum activities, such as vibrations occurring in parts of our brain cells, could be what create consciousness.

According to their theory, called Orchestrated Objective Reduction (Orch-OR), these tiny quantum activities in our brain cells are influenced by something called Quantum Gravity, a special idea from Quantum Mechanics that Penrose is known for. Basically, they’re exploring the idea that our consciousness might come from really small, quantum-level events in our brains.

There’s more to it. Certain interpretations of Quantum Mechanics, suggest that our consciousness or mind might actually be able to change things in the physical world at the quantum or sub-particle level, especially when we are observing something. 

Observing something closely might have the power to influence it. This influence can make it take specific forms out of many possibilities. This means it could shift from infinite possible potential forms to just one, based on the information inside our MindClouds, which is picked up from our surroundings. 

Essentially, this idea suggests that just observing something might change it in the tiny world of atoms and particles.

This also means that what we have experienced before, what we believe, what we know, and even what we expect could actually be influencing outcomes at the sub-particle or quantum level in the real world —thereby playing a role in shaping our reality. 

Just like the challenges in creating the reality we dream of stem from information stored in our brain, the solution might also lie there— the possibility of changing or neutralizing the stored information in our MindClouds to achieve our dreams.

In today’s technology, silicon crystals play a central role, especially in our smartphones and computers. They are used in transistors, which are small components that are crucial for sending and receiving information in devices. 

Transistors operate by turning and amplifying electronic signals that create the 0s and 1s—the binary codes— that all digital technology relies on. 

Silicon-based devices do more than just process information; they also control how this information is sent and received, in a way that’s similar to certain functions of the brain. 

Additionally, silicon is essential not only for storing information but also for executing and managing it, or even deleting it, much like the crystalline structures in our brain. 

Just as silicon is essential in our modern technology, the crystals inside our brain could potentially re-pattern the information within us.

Furthering the intriguing connection between crystals and information, the late scientist Marcel Vogel, found that by spinning water around a tuned quartz crystal, he could transfer the crystal’s information to the water, while working as a researcher for IBM. 

This groundbreaking discovery suggests that crystals, such as quartz, can influence and modify information as well. Due to their internal geometry, quartz crystals are also among the most stable structures on Earth, and have the ability to balance or neutralize information.

Considering that the cells in our brain contain microtubules or crystalline structures, it’s possible that these structures could resonate with other crystalline materials like quartz. This resonance might help re-pattern our internal information, potentially assisting us in reshaping it to achieve individual and collective balance. 

Let’s harness the power of our Quantum Minds to radiate peace across the globe!

Imagine the impact we could have if each of us taps into the potential of our own consciousness and the resonating energy of crystals.

Curious about how you can be a part of this transformative journey?

I invite you to explore The Crystal Blueprint. This enlightening read is your first step towards understanding and utilizing the unique connection between your mind and the crystalline world.

Stay tuned for our upcoming release! We’re introducing practical methods for healing our world using the power of both our Quantum Brain and Quartz Crystals. 

Now, more than ever, the world needs you to bring in your balanced vibes.

Let’s start this journey now!

Balance Your Resonance. The World needs you!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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