The Best Ways to Exchange Frequencies Between Matter & Energy

Aug 21, 2022

Although we have learned to recognize and identify ourselves with matter, science has confirmed that at our baseline, we all are energy.

The problem of identifying with matter is that instead of resonating as limitless energy-beings, we are resonating as limited matter-beings. 

Identifying with energy is new information for our MindClouds — the energy field of our brain where information is stored. The MindCloud doesn’t resonate with this model — it simply cannot read and automatically rejects it.  

Having our mind only set only in matter when its actually energy has many implications for our resonance. But what does matter actually represent for the continuous flow of energy?

Every time information-less energy (resonating at zero-point-energy) stomps with the limited energy field of information of matter — it decelerates. Matter becomes an obstacle that prevents the continues flow of energy. 

Matter isn’t necessarily an object. If we resonate with matter, we as human beings, are prone to attract the limited side of reality — the 0.0000001% of matter instead of the 99.9999999% of energy we are.

In the invisible world of energy, everything is continuously vibrating — even unnoticed frequencies such as ideas, thoughts, beliefs, intentions, words, images, objects, sounds, and colors which all carry information.

And there is more.

Through the act of observation, energy waves can be transformed into particles of matter and create the reality we live in.

Through our MindClouds and interconnected energies we are being affected and constantly affecting the energy of others, and subsequently that of the world —making us susceptible to disconnect when our MindClouds differ.

Despite this, zero-point or neutral energy within us is always interconnected.

Random, involuntary, unconscious information we are unaware of has the power to create our reality and the reality of others. Therefore, it's essential to take responsibility for each bit of energy we are sending into and receiving from the world. 

That is why changing our Mindset from a limited matter perspective to a limitless energy one is so important.

For thousands of years ancient philosophies have been all about emptying the content of our minds. And what does emptying the contents of the mind really mean? It means neutralizing the information inside our MindClouds and resonating with zero-point energy. 

Neutral information, together with choosing our thoughts, words, beliefs, or any other bit of information carefully, can be one of many ways to keep the energy flow within us.

Our capacity to interact freely with the Universe —without the limitations of our MindClouds— impacts the unlimited ways in which we experience reality.

If we see everything from a physical perspective, we will only experience the physical realm of the Universe. When we see everything from an energy standpoint, we can meaningfully connect with everything and everyone around us.

For example, symbolic meaning in an empty MindCloud could play an important role. As it can connect energy and matter without the interference of our MindCloud. In such a way that a color, a sound, an image, a geometric shape, or practice can restore the infinite flow of energy within us.

In the transparent world of energy everything is a field of information. This interconnection can result in flow or lack of flow. That’s why it’s so important to be aware and make conscious choices of what information we want to be exposed to and resonate with.

Energy flow is closely related to resonating with good health, wellbeing, great relationships, abundance — infinite possibilities.

If we are energy and we resonate with energy (not matter) we have more possibilities to create the reality we want to live. Instead of thinking from a matter perspective we should think in terms of energy. This would allow us to develop strategies to resonate with the reality each of us wants to live.

How about exchanging transparent neutral frequencies between matter and energy to create a better world?

Balance your resonance; the world needs you!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please respect our intellectual property. If you are using copyrighted resources, please reference the source: Beatriz Singer, Journalist and Crystal Healer. Positive resonance begins with us. ;)

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